Meeting one of the prince's former lover

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Alison led charlie and (y/n) to one of her friends in the city she a club owner called the sin

*A/n: okay i don't know what's the name of club mimzy owns so i'm gonna do a name generator*

This is the club she own's? Charlie asked oh yes she does, if there's anyone who you need to find is her, now lets all head inside alison said as she charlie and you walk right into the club. As you three walked into the club you see the club itself was an 1920 style with a stage and everything. You see there's some demons in the club some were lounging some were drinking at the bar with 1920's music playing in the background "(sigh) man it's been a while since I been back here" you said so, al, where's mimzy at? Charlie asked oh she's usually at the bar serving drinks to her costumers alison said as they walked over to the bar.

At the bar there were several demon sitting on the counter and behind the counter was a woman and the club owner, mimzy. She's a short, curvy, pale-skinned woman with thick thighs, wide hips, and plump breasts. Her platinum blonde hair is in a short 1920's-style bobcut. Her sclera is black, with bright-pink eyes and bushy, magenta eyelashes. She has sharp teeth and bright-pink lipstick. She wears a typical 1920s-style flapper dress in magenta shades, along with a dark-pink headband, decorated with a large dark-pink feather. She wears black heeled shoes and accessorizes with dark-pink opera gloves and a black pearl necklace that features a pink gem in the middle.

 She wears black heeled shoes and accessorizes with dark-pink opera gloves and a black pearl necklace that features a pink gem in the middle

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Mimzy was doing some tricks with a cocktail shaker before pouring the alcohol into glass drinks. There you go boys enjoy~ mimzy said as the demon sip their cocktail drinks but one of them felt a tap behind him and when he turned around and saw who tap him he drop his cocktail as the glass breaks getting the other two attention when they did, they see Alison and prince (y/n) standing behind them. You nod your head to the left telling them to leave, they did and not wanting to mess with you which also get mimzy's attention and when she turned around she recognized two familiar faces. Oh hi alison! Mimzy said as she goes around the counter and give her a hug "I haven't seen here in a while, how have you been?" Oh you know I was walking in the neighborhood finding interesting things to do *looking besides her was you standing next to her* "oh, why hello there (n/n)~" and hello to you too. Love you said as you take her hand and gently kiss her hand through her glove. You look, beautiful today "thank you. How you been doing?" Mimzy asked oh you know businesses as usual killing, modeling, sex. All that stuff "oh I see" yes, and I see business here is steady "yeah business is doing good, do you like it?" Oh yes yes it very cozy but it seems it lacks... Excitements "(sigh) I know I called in a band to play on stage but they say that someone already booked them for much more money" ah I see, terrible sorry mimzy... Any who lets stop talking about this. There's someone who would like to meet you *you step aside showing charlie to mimzy*.

Charlie? Oh wow hello sweety! I haven't seen you in a very long time *both demons hug each other before letting go* how are you? Mimzy asked I'm doing just fine thank you, but there's something I really need to ask "go on" you see I wanted a few people to come and try out my hotel "you mean the happy hotel?" Yes! But the people I met earlier don't seem to want to try it out, so I was hoping that you can tell me where I could find at least a few people who wants to stay at my hotel? Charlie  said hmm... *Mimzy began to think* I might know a few people who could come to your hotel "really! Who are they?!" Ah buh buh buh... I could tell you who they are but I don't just give this tip for free you know "(light chuckle) ah mimzy always a wanted things" alison commented "oh, uh. Okay... What do you want?" Charlie asked you see I want to give get this club exciding so demons could come more often, and I want (y/n) to be on stage "*this made you raise an eye brow* you want me to sing?" Yes just like old time when me and you were on stage together "ooh (y/n) could you do it for me, please~!" Charlie said having her hands clamp together and giving you the puppy dig eyes "oh! Can those eyes get any bigger. (Sigh) alright I'll do it" yay! Charlie said giving you a tight hug of happiness "great! I'll go get the stage ready" mimzy said as she left to get everything ready for the show.

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