Chapter Twenty Nine

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Twenty Nine: Day of Enjoyment

"Come on! Quick!!!" Harry's ten year old godson, Teddy Lupin wailed, bouncing on his feet. Harry laughed as he put on his black coat.

"Hold on, Ted. Ginny is still getting ready," Harry said, ruffling Teddy's turquoise hair.

"Ginny takes forever to get ready! Let's leave her here and go, come on Harry!" The ten year old said, flailing his arms around. Harry laughed again.

"If I do that, she would divorce me off," Harry said cheekily.

"Let her!" Teddy retorted.

"And go through all the drama again? Nah-uh," Harry said in a sing song voice. Teddy crossed his arms. "Just a few minutes, son."

"You know, Harry?" Teddy asked.

"No I don't," Harry joked causing the boy to chuckle.

"So you don't know anything!" Teddy joked back.

"What's with the Marauder sons banter?" Came the cheeky voice of Ginny as she walked down the stairs, wearing a blue jeans and a orange top. Her hair was tied in a ponytail.

"Joking around, love," Harry replied.

"Oh come on now! I bet the restaurant has already closed!" Teddy mumbled.

"Yeah, you are right. Why are you so late, Harry?" Ginny asked, sarcastically while looking through her purse. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, why are you so late, Harry?!" This time it was Teddy who told sarcastically.

"I think I am just going to pass on this trip," Harry retorted. The puppy eyes that his wife and his godson gave him was ultimately unbearable for him. "Whatcha waiting for? Grass to grow?" Harry said, trying to imitate Stan Shunpike, the conductor of The Knight Bus, but failing miserably.

The family of three had planned to go out together after Ginny's Quidditch World cup. The cup had gone pretty well though the Harpies lost the semi-finals due to an injury of the seeker by a well aimed bludger. However, Ginny's performance impressed thousands of audience and she now has a growing fanbase. Harry, wanting to get away from all the fame, decided on an outing in the muggle world. That was where they were going right now.

Harry side-apparated Teddy and Ginny along with him to an alcove in Oxfordshire. From there, the trio walked. They visited several malls where Ginny brought almost anything for herself, Teddy and her family. Her quidditch cup earnings were exchanged into muggle money and Harry provided his earnings as well. They even visited an ancient library, an art museum and a bookstore where Harry brought Teddy books of interesting muggle fables that teens nowadays read. Teddy would soon become a teen and he would find them interesting. Harry even surprised his godson by gifting him a muggle chess set. He said that Ron would surely love to learn to play chess the muggle way and would teach Teddy about the pawns. Teddy enthusiastically agreed and took his gift.

They dined in a nice, classy restaurant which overlooked the street. Hundreds and thousands of visitors walked below. It seemed like a complete blur of various colours. Street vendors too, sold their souvenirs. Harry was amused to see Ginny act just like a child along with Teddy when they passed by an ice cream truck. Nevertheless, he enjoyed this and brought the three of them ice creams of their desired flavor. Ginny and Teddy both opted to go for chocolate and Harry took the vanilla.

"Ginny! There is some ice cream on your nose!" Teddy exclaimed.

"There is some on yours as well, Ted!" Ginny exclaimed back. Harry was trying his best not to burst out laughing.

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