Liberty POV Chapter 6: Oh

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We land at an air strip and I grab my things. I can't tell what emotions I'm feeling. It's like I'm feeling everything and nothing at the same time.

We get off the plane and are met with six cars in a semicircle around the plain. Four people in suits stand by each car. All of them extremely armed.

I look up at my brother and father and see the emotion drained from their face. That's weird. I follow my father and brother toward the cars. Which are about 50 yards away.

Bang! Bang! I duck immediately. I know that sound Gunshots. I grab the pocket knife from inside my purse and put it in my back pocket. I look up and see Logan and my father on both sides of me. Each with a gun in hand.

Both of them are looking around to find the projection. I look around and find it.

"Northeast, one or more on the fifth story and some on the roof," I say to my father and Logan. They look in the direction of where I said and nod.

"Good job. How do you know bullet projectory?" Asks Logan.

I glare at him. "Do you seriously want to ask questions now?" I ask. My father lightly chuckles.

I look in every other direction to see if there is anyone else. Luckily for us there isn't. "I don't see anyone else. That doesn't mean they aren't there. What's the angle we are going for?" I ask.

"We need to get to the cars. They're bulletproof. We get home and regroup," my father says. I nod. "Sounds good. On three?" They both nod.




We take off running to the cars. A small pain goes through my shoulder. I ignore it and keep running.

We get to the car and get into the backseat of one. Its a GMC Yukon so it's pretty big. I look over at my father and Logan to make sure they are okay. They both look at me.

My father furrows his eyebrows and Logan frowns. "What?" I ask after a while. I follow their gaze to my arm. I look down.

"Oh, I'm bleeding," I say. Logan looks at me like I grew two heads. "Oh? Liberty you were shot and you say, oh?" He asks. I shrug.

"I don't feel it," I say. I grab a plain white T-shirt out of my bag and put it on my arm. I apply pressure and tie the shirt around the arm.

I can't pull it tight enough so I look up at Logan. "Um, can you pull this tighter? It's kind of hard with one arm," I say. He nods and pulls it tighter, tying it into a knot.

After he finishes he looks at me. Probably to see if I felt any pain. He pokes the wound and a weird feeling goes over me.

"Ew, don't do that. That feels weird," I say. He looks at me sideways.

"It doesn't hurt?"

I shake my head. "Nope."

"What does it feel like?" He asks curiously.

I think for a second. "It feels like someone poked you with blood on their fingers and you can't wash it off." I say shrugging.

He looks at me like I'm crazy. I shake my head. "It probably adrenaline or shock. I should start to feel the pain in an hour or two," I say.

I start to feel dizzy and my vision starts to blur. I close my eyes and open them with some struggle. Then darkness.

Anderson's POV:

I look over and see my daughter start to get dizzy. I grab my phone and call Christopher.

"Hello," he says over the phone.

"Christopher, call Victoria tell her to get ready for a patient," I order.

"Okay, she needs to know the basics."

"Tell her seventeen year old, female, gun shot wound to the shoulder, passed out. She didn't feel the pain of the wound. Christopher, it's your sister," I say.

"Fuck. Someone shot her. No wonder you wanted Victoria. I'll tell her the information. Bye," he says and hangs up.

I watch my daughter as she sleeps. Well technically she is passed out but she is still breathing so she is asleep.

She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. When she is awake you can see this fire in her eyes. She is so strong, she's been through so much pain today alone. I just want to hug her and tell her everything will be okay.

But that's not how it works. I can't promise her she will always be safe. She hasn't let herself feel anything and soon enough she will break down or explode.

I can already tell the boys are going to adore her. I just hope she stays alive long enough to meet them.

She didn't feel the pain. I don't know why but it's not normal.

We make it to my estate and one glance at me and my guards are opening the gates. We are met at the front door by Victoria and Christopher. She rolls the gurney to Liberty's side and opens the door. We lift her up and gently put her down on the gurney. We roll Liberty through the doors to the medical wing.

I'm about to go in when Victoria stops me. "I'll get you when I'm finished but you and I both know I can't work with you hovering," she says unmovingly. I nod and she continues pushing Liberty through the medical wing. I watch them until they're out of sight. A single tear rolls down my cheek as I think I might loose my daughter.

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