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⚜️Chapter 3⚜️

"M-my lord? What are you doing out of bed?" Jon asked him softly.

"I could ask you the same thing." Jamie trailed off as if he didn't know Jon's name.

Jon scoffed. "Jon, Jon is my name. I also do believe I asked you first. But if you must know I'm going for a walk. Happy?"

Jamie tilted his head a little affronted by what Jon said. He was only teasing he didn't mean to upset his nephews future wife/husband.

"Well, Jon could you show me where my room is I seemed to have gotten loss." Jamie asked softly as if he was trying to fix what he said earlier.

Jon sighed, he supposed he went a little overboard earlier. "Of course. At night Winterfell feels as if it has more twists and turns. But it doesn't. Come on."

For the first few minutes it was all quiet. And then both in their heads, thinking, questioning and wondering.

"What do you do for fun around here?" Jamie asked Jon.

"I love reading, painting, and horse back riding. Sometimes I go to the orphanage to help." Jon told him.

"Those all seem very girly. Jamie laughed. 'He would make a good wife.' Jamie thought.

"Aye, some would say it was but it's not. I know how to do both things a woman and a man could do." Jon told him. "It comes in handy."

They continued walking for a few minutes before stopping.

"Here's your room. Have a good nights rest Lord Jamie." Jon told him before turning around a leaving. Jamie continued watching him until he could no longer see him.


Ned opens the room's high narrow windows.
A blast of cold night air blows into the chamber. On the bed, Catelyn pulls the furs up to her chin. Ned breathes deeply, taking the cold into his lungs, staring out into the dark. Then he turns back to face her.

NED told her. "I'll refuse him."

"You cannot. You must not." Catelyn scoffed.

"You said yourself I could tell him
no. I'm a northman." Ned says to her. "I belong here, not down south in
that rats' nest they call a capital."

"He would make your son Queen." Catelyn acknowledged.

Ned turns away, facing the darkness again. She softens and is about to go to him when a loud knock comes at the door.

"I gave orders not to be disturbed." Ned yells
From the other side of the door, a SENTRY answers.

"It's Maester Luwin calling, my
lord." The sentry insists.

Ned slips on a heavy robe.

Ned sighs. "Send him in."

The door opens and Maester Luwin enters. He waits until the door is shut behind him before speaking.

"My lord, pardon for disturbing your
rest. I have been left a message." Measter Luwin uttered.

"Been left? By whom?" Ned asked

"There was no messenger, my lord.
Only a carved wooden box, left on a table in my observatory while I slept. This was concealed in a false bottom."  Maester Luwin draws a tightly rolled paper from his loose sleeves. Ned holds out his hand.

"Let me have it, then." Ned grunts.

MAESTER LUWIN told him. "A thousand pardons, my lord. The message is marked for the eyes of the Lady Catelyn alone."

Ned isn't used to being denied by anyone below the rank of king.

He considers the old man for a second and steps aside, allowing Maester Luwin to place the paper on the bedside table. Luwin bows and begins to retreat.


Sansa and Princess Myrcella both knit, overseen by Myrcella's ladies-in-waiting, and Sansa's tutor, SEPTA MORDANE.

Arya sits near the door. Her needlework is as grim as Sansa's is perfect, her face as plain as Sansa's is beautiful.

She doesn't want to be here. Jon was
Supposed to join them. But he has business to attend. While the Septa fawns over the princess, Arya quietly lays down her knitting and sneaks away.


Bran and Prince Tommen drill in the yard with padded wooden swords. The children are so heavily padded themselves that they look like they've been wrapped in featherbeds.

Huffing and puffing, they thump each other under the watchful eye of SER RODRIK CASSEL, the master-at-arms, a stout keg of a man with thick white sideburns.

A dozen male spectators call out encouragements, Robb the loudest among them. Theon Greyjoy watches with his characteristic wry contempt.

Twenty yards from the others, Jon Snow watches as well, seated alone on a rough wooden bench. Absorbed in the action, he is unaware of Arya's approach until she jumps on his back.

Bran has managed to knock Tommen over; the prince is rolling in the dust, trying to get up and failing, like a padded turtle. Bran stands at the ready with upraised wooden sword, ready to whack him again once he regains his feet

"The spectators laugh until Ser Rodrik ends it." He yanks the prince to his feet.

"Well fought. Prince Joffrey, Robb,
will you go another round?" Ser Rodrik asked

"Gladly." Robb confirmed

Joffrey, however, looks bored; he remains among his men.

"This is a child's game." Joffrey told the hotly

"That's because you're children." Theon snickered.

JOFFREY scoffed. "Robb may be a child. I am a prince. And I'm tired of swatting at Starks with a play sword."

"You got more swats than you gave.
Afraid?" Robb asked him.

JOFFREY sarcastically replied. "Oh, terrified. I might get a

The Lannister men all laugh.

SER RODRIK asked. "What do you suggest?"

"Live steel." Joffrey smirked.

"Done." Robb says quickly.

Ser Rodrik puts a hand on Robb's shoulder. But before they can start Jon was in the middle of them both and took their swords.

"Enough, you're acting like children. There is no need for this." He told them and gave Ser Rodrick the swords. "Put them away."

Ser Rodrick of course listened and put them away.  Robb then backed away held his head down.

Joffrey raised an eyebrow and looked at Jon. "And you are?"

"Jon, Jon Snow." Jon told holding eye contact. Joffrey then smirked.

"Ahh, the bastard." Jon hummed and continued holding eye contact. "So why do all of the men listen to you?"

"Because they know that when I say no it's what I mean. And this right here is stupid and immature. As you said before this game is for children." Jon reasoned.

Before Joffrey could reply a Messenger came and whispered into Ser Rodricks ear. Ser Rodrick nodded and the messenger left.

"Your father's wants you." He spoke. Joffrey and Robb nodded and began to left. "Not you Robb, They want Jon and Joffrey."

Jon raised an eyebrow and followed Joffrey. 

What?? Chapter 3!! Don't know about you but can't wait for Chapter 4.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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