chapter 5

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I wake up to someone screaming. "Does someone want to get Anthony please!" I heard Rosalie yell!

"Umm, you might want to take this one Edward comes in. If Edward could blush he sure be at this time.

I giggled and go to Rosalie room. "Would you please get Anthony he kind of appeared in the shower."

I go and pick up Anthony out of the shower. "You really need to stop just showing up any where. Other bedroom off limits young men."

Boy I tell you your just like your father! I said in my mind.

"I HEARD THAT, AND I ONLY WATCHED YOU SLEEPING FOR YOUR INFORMATION!" I couldn't help but laugh while changing Anthony.


"And why are we yelling!" I jumped and gasp. "Edward I swear to god if you keep doing that I'm going to kick your ass!" He chuckles.

"Cheyenne woke up by the way, how about I take over with this little guy and you can deal with our little princess." He tells me.

"You better talk with your son, just because there born the same time, he growing faster than her. Look at him he looks like he a year old ready, and there both only 5 months." I shake my head.

I go into Cheyenne room. "Hey there sweet girl, did you get woke up?" I pick her up.

"Let's get you changed and feed you." I can't believe Anthony and Cheyenne are twins but there growing at different paces.

I sit down in my grandmother rocker and started to breast feed her.

Edward and I still really haven't had a minute to ourselves since Anthony keeps popping up everywhere in the house.

Which is weird because I'm about ready to tackle Edward because for some odd reason I hate saying but Edward just driving me crazy.

I it's like my hormones have been going into overdrive.
I have got to figure out how to get Edward alone without the kids.

Everyone has noticed I been getting edgy to even my dad, he even hinted around to it too.

"ANTHONY MASON CULLEN WHERE DID YOU GO NOW?" I heard Edward yell. Oh that is it I've had it.

I button up my shirt and go look for Anthony. I set Cheyenne in the play pen in the living room.

Then I stood in place and closed my eyes and focus to figure out where Anthony then find him.

"No, no, no. Dear god. He in Alice's and Jasper room and there having sex!" I say under my breath.

I sneak up to there room. "What do you think your doing?" Edward asked. "Anthony in there and there going at it." Edward eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head.

He started to shake his head. "I'm not going in there!" Edward said. "Men I swear."

"What's that suppose to mean?" I glared at him. "Don't worry about it I'll get him!" I told him.

I slowly open the door and walk in and picked up Anthony. I sneak back out!

"You young men are in a load of trouble!" I told Anthony. I went into the living room and set him in the play pen with Cheyenne.

"CHEYENNE SHIELD NOW, YOUR BROTHER PLEASE!" Now I start pacing. "Bella calm down!" Edward told me.

"How can I calm down damn it my son keeps appearing anywhere he damn well please. It's got to stop. Shield down, Cheyenne."

I pick up Anthony and go into his room. "Bella what are you going to do?" Edward asked.

"Have a talk with our son since you haven't." I told him. "Bella don't you think you need to calm down first." Edward said.

I glared at Edward. I was really furious!" I ended up tapping into Anthony power and Anthony I appeared on Lapush beach. On the cliffs.

"Whow! What just happened, did Mommy just do that?" Anthony just nodded.

"Anthony you really got to stop appearing where you want to. It's bad very bad. You only can do it if there danger our if Mommy and daddy tell you to. You understand mommy?" He nods.

"Good now, no more behave." I tapped back into Anthony power again and went home.

I set him down. "Now behave Anthony so I can take daddy and talk to him!" I walk out and asked Esme to watch the kids for a while and she agreed.

I walked up to the room and grabbed a blanket and went back downstairs. Edward looked at me strangely.

I grabbed his arm and one more time tapped into Anthony power and Edward and I appeared at the little cottage he took me months ago.

"How you do that?" He asked. "Don't ask." I press my lips to his, but he pulled me away. "Oh what the hell! Really!"

"Bella what's going on?" Edward asked. Shit this isn't going to go so well. "So what Now I can't even kiss you, can't get a minute to myself or with you and you ask me what's going on. Ugh, I'm telling you what how about I leave and you stay so you can have all the time you want. At least you get to hunt!"

"Bella now that's not fair you know I have to for you and the kids sake and plus it's how I survive." I just glare at him.

"Then maybe take your son out and teach him, instead of lea.." I stopped I couldn't believe what I was hearing coming out of my mouth.

I took off an ran back for the house I packed some stuff for me and the kids.

I ran downstairs and picked up Cheyenne. I went to go pick up Anthony and he disappeared.

"Oh come on!" I went up to his room and went to go reach for him again and he did it again.


And speak of the devil look who our son shows up with, of course his dad!

"Bella why, are you doing this?" I glared at the both of them. "We don't you have your son tell you seems he went and got you!"

With that I took off running. I had to get as far as way as possible. I actually got on a plane and went to my mother of all people.

When I showed up at her door she open it. "Bella, what are you doing here, and who baby is that?" She asked.

"She mine and Edward." She gasped when I walked by her. You got some explaining to do mother!" I told her.

She shut the door behind her. "When did you have a baby?" She asked.

"I had twins mom, a boy and a girl, I couldn't bring Anthony with me. I ran into a little problem with him."

"Let me guess he kept disappear and reappearing!" I turned to my mother in shock.

"Yep, by the looks of your face I got a lot of explaining to do." Renee told Bella.

Thank you for reading my stories, following me, voting and commenting.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyer does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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