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Villanelle. Those who knew her knew not to test her very little patience. And those who didn't know her had heard of her. 

It's hard to be discreet when everyone knows what happens behind closed doors, and for Villanelle, she had no privacy for her and her business. It didn't stop her from trying, however. 

After leaving her home vacant, one she'd been living in for years with her younger sister, she left without so much as a trace - taking her business elsewhere. Of course this meant, however, that her younger sister was left to fend for herself. Despite the fact she hadn't been left with complete nothing, Hayley also didn't have everything she needed to fulfill her happiness like it once was. No matter how hard Villanelle tried to close off her emotions from everyone, she found it much harder to do it in the face of her sister.

Leaving with a note, one that held her new and unrecognisable phone number, as well as a stack of cash, Villanelle set off on her journey back to her home country, Russia, where she spent her time undercover. The occasional phone call was all she could offer to her sister. Villanelle blamed her undeniably speedy schedule for the reasoning as to why she couldn't stay on call for longer than 15 minutes, however she knew herself that wasn't why. She knew herself it'd only take hearing her sister's words to come home for her to be on the next plane. And if she wanted to protect her she'd have to stay as far away as she could.

That was until, however, she heard the news. Her sister. Pregnant.

Those words alone was enough for Villanelle to buy a direct plane ticket to New Orleans, somewhere Hayley had mentioned she'd be visiting in the next few weeks. 

It took the whole plane journey and longer for Villanelle to contemplate why her sister couldn't tell her of her pregnancy, and what the secrecy could mean. Wanting to believe her sister would tell her if she was in trouble, she also didn't know. After 5 years of short phone calls and few facetime catch - ups, Villanelle knew it was time she saw her sister for herself to check how she was rather than asking around. 

Unaware of just how much her and her sister's lives were about to change, Villanelle took her first step into New Orleans. Oblivious to what awaits for her.

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