Prologue : In Awe

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Kat here, releasing a new story! I'm feeling pretty confident in this one! Thanks for stopping by and reading!

Edit: For the revamping of chapters, I will fully edit all chapters when the story is finished! It is a hassle to proofread chapters because there is so many and this story is still ongoing! I appreciate all those who pointed out errors and those will be edited will be edited when the story is finished, thank you kindly

The Mega Pizzaplex was always described to (Y/n) as a super-duper cool place. It was a neon dream, the other kids in her elementary school would say.

Some would talk about just how huge the place was. To them, it felt like every time they go, they discover someplace new and exciting!

Others would brag about how their parents and them had first-row seats to the grand shows the glamorous animatronics would perform. (Y/n) would always look at them with awe and envy.

Animatronics, she would dream to herself, she's never seen an animatronic before! Were they as cool as the other kids would say? Was it true that they are as humongous as they would say? Was it true that they would make candy and cake appear out of thin air?

Children say they have the time of their life over there, and (Y/n) wanted that experience, too.

She wanted to see the fantasy with her own eyes. So, she decided to beg her parents to go. "Just this once," she would beg, bouncing around her mom and dad's legs, "pretty, pretty please!?"

The mother didn't agree with her daughter. The Mega Pizzaplex was far from home. It was said to be even bigger than a large mall, too. They could get lost and likely overwhelmed.

The father, though, seemed lenient. He wanted his child to enjoy her summer break, after all. After a long talk between the 2 adults, they finally agreed to let the young girl go to where she's been dreaming of.

It was probably one of the worst mistakes they've made in their lives. But they didn't know that, until the consequences approached too close.


One hour and roughly twenty five minutes of driving later, the family of three arrived to their destination. There was a billboard that showed up as they driven down the highway with large neon font that said, "Join in On The Fun!"

Their was a large visual behind it of silhouettes performing on a humongous, lit-up stage. The little girl pointed it out with a wide grin and sparkly eyes as the vehicle passed by it.

The other children told her that the Mega Pizzaplex was an awesome place. But now, standing in front of the towering building was kind of intimidating to the girl. It was over three stories tall!

She was still happy and excited, yes. But something about the large structure made chilly goosebumps appear on her arms. She felt small. She rubbed the prickles away in hopes of getting rid of that feeling. Then, the girl shyly gripped her mom's hand when that didn't ease her into comfort.

On the outside, there were packs of people entering into the large slide- doors of the Pizzaplex. The place seemed well-liked and popular just by how many cars were parked in the parking lot and enthusiastic people walking in. There was even a few children protesting about leaving, getting dragged away by their disgruntled parents.

(Y/n) believed her peers on what they said, the place seemed amazing already!

On the inside, it was as wild as a disco carnival. The lights were dim because the neon signs shined so brightly and dizzily. She could hear the enthusiastic pop music boom through the floors. The neon was plastered all over the place, it felt like magic.

It was cool on the inside of the grand hall and it had a strong smell of pepperoni pizza. The people had to pass through mechanical gateways with guest passes in which the girl's parents already ordered online. They scanned it so they could enter, and the machine's gateway snapped open. The child felt giddy. She couldn't stop swaying on her heels in anticipation.

Once they passed through the gates, they came up-close to a large golden statue of a bear-like creature singing into a microphone. Which the girl guessed in the back of her head that it was the famous character mentioned all the time to her, Freddy Fazbear, the mascot of this place. She stared up at the statue in unfiltered awe. It made everyone seem like ants compared to it.

"Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex! Created by Fazbear Entertainment," A robotic, and monotonous male voice greeted over the large speakers on the ceiling. It echoed throughout the room and over the chatting crowd of people. The little girl looked around in excitement and amazement, while holding onto her mother's hand. This was going to be such a super day!

Her friends told her that this place was a dream, she believed them, too.

But it was a nightmare in disguise.


Let's get this party startedddddd
Skkdekdnskdnskdnsknsmm I'm so excited! 😳🙈💕💕

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