3 : Wander

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⚠️ WARNING: ⚠️
Mildly disturbing description of machinery
Child abandonment/negligence

If you have automatonophobia I would highly recommend clicking off, but I don't understand why you would a FNaF fanfic in the first place. I mean do what you want but— 👁👁

(Y/n) does not have automatonophobia, yet

The girl was in a mysterious place with multiple animatronic-themed rooms and neon lights. The statues were intimidating in a way, they shined with her passing reflection when she explored the area with enthusiasm in her step. (Y/n) was excited, but, in the back of her mind, something was telling her that she shouldn't be here. 

She shook away those thoughts, though. Reassuring herself that she'll only be gone for a couple minutes. Just enough time for her to explore right? Her parents wouldn't mind. (Y/n) just wondered how huge this place could be! She imagined it to be an awesome room after room. Maybe there is a room made out of cake and candy!

The girl wandered around, looking at the many trinkets around in the area. She tried to open the door to a pink room with Chica's character everywhere but she couldn't get it. She pouted slightly. She tried other doors and rooms but none of them budged, everything seems to be locked. Well, that was kind of disappointing, (y/n) huffed.

Suddenly the lights overhead turned off. Only the neon plasters glowed and the few lights at the doors were dimly lit. They were shutting of the main power system for the night. Her parents! She thought about their worried faces. This was a bad idea!

'Oh no,' the young girl thought, 'mommy and daddy must be looking for me!' She dashed back to where she thought she the entrance of the room was at, those hallways! After a few minutes of aimlessly wandering around the hallways, calling out a few 'hellos?' And 'mommy and daddy?' she couldn't find the way back to the main entrance.

She was just walking in twisted turns of hallways, hallways, and hallways. (Y/n) was getting really anxious, her eyes were already starting to get watery. She didn't exactly cry, yet, but she was close to it.

She suddenly passed by a familiar poster of one of animatronics, it was the alligator, Monty. Her eyes visibly brightened. She remembers passing by this poster when following the boy!

She didn't quite get that there could've been several more similar posters like this one, luckily it was the same one she thought it was. She hurriedly cut through corners of the hallways with a big smile of hope. Though this place is cool and all, (Y/n) was ready to go home now. She was getting a little tired, her bed time was passed.

She peeked through the hall and finally saw the main entrance with the huge Freddy statue. She passed by the large, gold decor, glancing at it with wide eyes, it still amazes her. But she must get going now, her parents are waiting!
But when the little girl looked around the large area, through the carpets, counters and gateways...

No one was there.

She thought she would see mommy and daddy waiting for her by the gates with open arms and smiles, all ready to go back home. Maybe even the tired employee at the counter. But it was deserted and quiet, other then the soft music playing through the speakers. (Y/n) frowned with nervousness. Did they leave without her? She thought with fear, like in the story books?

She begins to shed tears. "Mommy?" She called out into the heavy silence with a wavering voice, shuffling slowly around the purple carpet. "Daddy?" Her eyes searched the place, no sign of her parents, of anyone, really.

A loud sound reverberated across the air. (Y/n)'s eyes dart around in surprise. The large pupils land on the entrance doors that was abruptly moving down with a loud, scraping sound. It was closing without her!

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