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Welcome, friends. This is Earworm; a collection of short stories inspired by music.

Music has always been an inspiration in my writing but this is the first time I'll be using it as direct inspiration, whether that be taking ideas from the mood, sound, or lyrics of the music. Meshing together music and writing is far from a new idea, but this is definitely new to me. Has this been done on Wattpad before? I have no idea. Probably. And in any case, I don't take credit for the idea of creating stories out of songs. In fact, I'd love to see how you interpret the songs. If you get inspired, feel free to post your own short stories inspired by songs (as long as you don't copy mine :) ). If you mention me, awesome. I'd love to see and support your work! 

I want to make a story that is original, that doesn't need the song for backstory. A lot of songwriters have a specific story in mind when they are writing a song. I'm going to ignore that story completely, not search up any background info about the artist or meaning behind the song, and just go with my gut feeling. In other words: I won't be writing the obvious story. So no, I will not be writing stories about celebrity relationships rumored to have inspired songs (sorry to all you Larry fans). And because I like to keep things interesting, I won't tell you what song inspired the story until the very end. Feel free to guess what it is.

How often will I be posting? I have no idea (so probably once a week). 

How long will the stories be? Some will be really long, others will be really short. Some will have a full-blown plot, others will be just a scene. I might choose to write a poem or surprise you, we'll see. 

I want this collection to be creative, fun, and interactive. And this is where you come in! I'd love to know what music you'd like to see me interpret into a story. I will be taking requests! Got a favorite song, artist, or genre? Let me know in the comments. I'm open to almost anything.

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