The Closet

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"You're moving. You have to clean out your closet."


"Come on. Please? I want to get everything packed and out by Thursday."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because his things are in there."

"Whose things?"

"You know. His."

"You mean your ex's."

"Mhmm. Yeah."

"It's been a year."


"And you're still not over it?"

"I'm sensing judgment,"

"I don't care! Just please, please clean out your closet."

"I need therapy."


"So... what's the plan?"

"What do you mean 'what's the plan'?"

"Well, to clean out the closet. We need a plan."

"Oh my god. Why didn't you just keep your ex's stuff in a shoebox like a normal person?"

"You assume I'm normal. Also, no. The closet is the box."

"Wha..? You mean you've been keeping a closet full of your ex's stuff?"

"Mmm. Yes."

"That's criminal! You should have given it back to him!"

"Well, it isn't his stuff... exactly."

"You can't just say this without context. You're making me worried that I've been living with a psycho murderer. Explain."

"It's mine. But it's his. But it's mine."

"It's yours but it's his but it's yours?"

"Yes, that's what I said."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"He gave it to me."

"He gave you an entire closet's worth of clothes?"

"Well... yes."

"After you broke up?"

"When we were still dating."

"How much clothing does this guy have?"

"It's a small closet."

"Ah, so he was rich. What's the problem here? I've seen you open that closet. You wear that stuff all the time. I thought it was yours."

"Some of it's mine. I just associate it with him because I bought it when I was dating him. A lot of it he gave me because I like wearing his clothes. That's not the problem. The problem is the back of the closet."

"Why do you still wear your ex's clothes? That seems unhealthy."

"I like that there's a little piece of him in how I dress."

"You sound like a stalker."

"His sweaters still smell like him, you know."

"Now you sound even more like a stalker."

"I just- I still love him. I miss him. Having a little piece of him there... it comforts me."

"You're proving my point."

"You don't get it. You've never been in love."

"You didn't answer the question. What's in the back of the closet?"

"H-he painted it. It's a mural of us together. If I take the clothes out, I'll see the mural."

"Then hire someone to do it for you."

"I'm not that rich. Plus, I like that closet. I wish I could take it with me..."

"It's a built-in closet. No way I'm letting you rip it out of the wall."


"No. Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound?"

"It'll help me."

"No, it won't. You need closure. Have you even spoken with him since you broke up?"

"We're not talking lately."

"Clearly. Do you know anything about what happened to him since you broke up?"

"He has a new boyfriend now. He calls him baby. He used to call me baby. I used to be his baby. It's not fair."

"It sounds like he's happy. Aren't you happy for him?"

"That's just the thing. He seems happier than he was with me. But I'm selfish. I don't want him to be happier. I just want him back."

"You really are hung up over this guy, huh?"

"He should take it as a compliment...that I wear his clothes. I like his style. Maybe that's because he's French. I love his accent. I miss that accent. And his friends are so nice. Did you know I still talk to them?"

"I am genuinely concerned for you."

"His new boyfriend... I wish I was him. His parents own some fancy art galleries. Can you imagine a sleepover in a fancy art gallery?"

"Clean out the closet."

"I-I miss him s-so m-m-much."

"Oh, okay. You're crying now. Come here."

"Th-thank you."

"Yeah. You need a tub of ice cream. And therapy. But ice cream will do for now. It'll go well with the cherry pie. Come on, we'll set fire to the closet later."


685 words

Inspired by: Harry Styles - Cherry

Thanks to @tinkerthewriter for the suggestion. I hope you liked it <3

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