Hr. 2: Computers: Sollux

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Hey readers. II only have two things to say today.
1. II'm not that good at wriitiing from Sollux's point of view.
2. I'm sorry iif you're iin the Sherlock fandom. II don't mean to create feels for you.
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I stood by the door, waiting for the teacher to asign me a computer.

"Go sit down on that side of the room, and I will get you the paper for your typing test." She said and gestured to the south side of the room.

"Okay," I mumbled and sat down in the only open spot. Another student came by my seat and set down a peice of paper. He then explained to me what I had to do, which was basically type what the paper says as fast as I can in three minutes, on a Word document.

Ea2y. I thought to myself.

"Are you ready?" Asked the teacher. I nodded and she started the timer.

I typed until the timer went off. I had typed the three paragraphs four times. I sat there as she restarted the timer.

"Ready to do it again?" Asked the teacher, again.

"Ye2." I responded. What I was doing was too easy. I've been programming and hacking computers for years.

She told me to go and I started typing again.

Four minutes later........

The teacher had left the room, and left us to work.

"How do you type so fast!!" asked the kid sitting next to me.

"II-" I started, but a crash interrupted me. I turned to see a pile of what was the ceiling on the floor, right where the teachers desk was. There was a man laying in the middle of it.

"Ow." He said.

"Are you okay?" One of the kids asked.

The man sat up, and looked around, "Yes."

Some of the class gathered around him, and helped him out of the rubble. He stood and wipped off his black trench coat and fixed his scarf.

"Where's you're teacher?" He asked.

"She left the classroom a few minutes ago." Anwsered a girl with red hair.

Someone came in the room.

"Sherlock! There's been a murder!" Said the someone.

"I know, John." Sherlock rolled his eyes and mumbled. "So slow."

"Waiit...2omeone was kiilled?" I asked.

"Yes. Wasn't that obvious?" Sherlock asked.

A few of the kids started to freak out.

A whiile later...

For some reason, someone got the idea for the class to help Sherlock solve the murder, so we were running around the school following Sherlock and John.

"Are we sure these guys aren't just crazy?" Tamaki asked.

"No." Someone anwsered, but I didn't see who.

"EVERYONE STOP!" Black Star yelled. He had his arms extended out to each side to stop us. We were standing at the gym doors.

*random explosion*

"Vegeta! Stop blasting random kids!" Someone yelled.

"Is that...?" Katie asked, hopefully.

"It is..." Mollie anwsered with excitement.

I blinked because of the confusion.

"What'2 "iit"," I asked.

Mollie pointed into the gym. There was a stage set up, with people on it. I didn't understand why they seemed so excited. I turned to look at them again, but they were gone.

I blinked, "What the hell iis goiing on here? Nothiing that ha2 happened today make2 any 2en2e!"

"Im sorry, but its not going to get any better." Kaleigh patted my shoulder.

I started to say something but the bell rang.

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