chapter 8:

344 6 2

Don't own anything

Now soldier & shinobi team up.

Marlowe pov:

(Theme starts playing)

We have a new mission. Black hawk chopper were riding on, on route to meet kakashi & the rest of the team. So snake dude & group of cloaked red cloud pattern ninjas are a threat to this worlds nations & us as well too.

Covert joint strike mission. But air support is available, Thanks to the new titan's advanced planet wide Satellite system built in that new york sized super carrier capital ship.

Sarge found them. We touch down. Kakashi & other teenage ninjas covered there eyes from the gust of wind. We got out.

Theme ends:

Sarge Redford: kakashi. Sargent terrence Redford. Special tactis division B company. That's preston Marlowe, haggard & Sweetwater

Marlowe: hi

Haggard: i just like when stuff blows up

Sweetwater: sure sure. Its long as the enemy's stuff

Hinata thought of explosions.

Hinata thought: i was gonna say something but nevermind. Just hope they know this is a ..

Kakashi: thanks for coming

He summoned a dog. Then give something to him to report back to tsunade but Redford as has other ideas.

Redford: mike 1 juliet this is Redford. Tsunade available

Mike 1 Juliet: " affirmative sargent. Patching in "

Tsunade: " hello hello. This is tsunade "

Shino: amazing

Kiba: were far from the leaf village. That's so cool

Hinata: yeah. Those guys have communications. Without sending messages

Redford: ma'am kakashi has something to tell you. * gives them walkie talkie to kakashi * press the button every time you talk

Kakashi: lady tsunade we have we have something to ask you to analyze. Pakkun will bring it to you

Tsunade: " outstanding. I'll be waiting pakkun. Arigato for contacting sargent. Senju out "

Marlowe: she's learning fast how our tech works😁

Redford: i know. So kakashi your call

Kakashi: myself Hinata kiba & shino will spread out. Idk your tactics of this op?

Redford: we can do the same too. Marlowe with shino, kiba with haggard & hinata sweetwater. You 3 agree

They nodded. Hinata has bit of a problem with LMG four eyes. She has seen him talking so much.

" lets hope he doesn't talk so much " she thought.

Hinata: so you don't have a silenced based part for that big gun of yours?

Sweetwater: nope

Hinata: (sighed) that's a problem. If were spotted engaged. If Where hiding in plain sight. Stay quiet

Redford: hey hima

Hinata: its hinata

Redford: whatever. If he starts talking. Shank him

Sweetwater: come on sarge

Hinata facapalmed.

To be continued:


battlefield 2042: shippuden (recker x tsunade) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now