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continued from chapter 7
A:N/Thanks justinmahone74 for requesting this awesome
•there is bad words ,and I mean tons so deal with it

Ok ,so I was gonna go get some pizza because it's my favorite food ,especially the juicy pepperoni and cheese makes my mouth water.

He was so handsome ,until he ruined it with his cocky voice. That blonde hair and the tumblr outfit made it ,but him , nuh-uh.

"What the fuck ." wow that just made it even worse.

"What ,I'm sorry , I apologize .

"This shirt costed 100$." ugh , he's so stubborn .

"So ."I say not caring .

"So. . . " He pauses ,"you owe me a new shirt. " He keeps repeating the same shit for an hour and finally give him a piece of what I feel.

"Fine whatever ,I'll buy you a new one ," I offer , meaning telling him to shut the f--- up.

"You piece of shit ." his voice starts fading away as he walks towards his hipster一cliché group . I want to tell him off so badly ,but I don't want to make the fight worse .

Justin's POV

What the fuck Justin ,why are you like this .I should be acting around school not talking shit to people. just stick to the program ,and everything will be alright. My conscience was telling me . . I sit down I tell Nash what had just happened .

"Dude ,I told a girl 'piece of shit'." I tell Nash ,making his mouth shape an O.

"You fucked up man ,she's gonna report you."

"I know Nash but something was telling me that I should be friends with her ."

"Well say sorry ," Nash explains more and more further ,and I finally take his request . I thought how my future wouldn't further go on if I told a girl a piece of shit . anyways I stand up and I'm one-hundred percent sure I'll say sorry .

I walk over to the girls clique and finally have the guts to tell her .

Ariana's POV

Oh no , he's walking over to me .I can feel a argument bound to happen . I sits down with a serious face. I cannot be friends with him if he's treating me like this . But I've I got to give it a try with him .

He mumbles an 'I'm sorry' to me but that shouldn't mean I should forgive him . . . should I . I bring up something that has nothing to do with the subject but makes me chuckle .

"Do I still owe you the shirt ?" I start sweating ,but my conscience told me to say it .

"I don't know , it depends what my mom says ."

I think me and Justin could be really good friends . Unless he's going to be a bitch ,than I'm not .

His face was inches away from my face and I ask myself ; do I like him . I felt a spark but it didn't mean anything ,I mean, it did . I didn't expect a high-school student like Justin would apologize to a girl like me . I was already making plans to get drunk to fuck with him ,but then it would make me feel like a whore一slut .

I give up my table to talk to Justin .

"So Justin ,do you have any plans . " I shouldn't even be saying it ,but I'm a straight一up girl .

"Actually ,I'm going to a party today . why ,are you willing to give up your virginity at a frat house with clusters of men ?" I start to think that Justin actually likes me ,but I doubt it . Ew but me + Justin = hate一relationship .

Lunch bell rings

"Hey ,I never caught your name plus your number."

What the heck is this friend-zone . well , you can call it that ,but I don't like Justin ,remember it .
I rip a piece of paper and write down my phone number

"Btw , my name is Ariana ,call me Ari ."

"My name is Justin , you can call me Jess . " I felt like he was mocking me ,especially my sexy voice towards him .

"Bye ," I offer a bright smile .

"Bye ," he winks at me .

We both turn around and go to our destination of hell-class. OMG but that smile and smirk made my day . But his imperfect attitude made him a bipolar dick head .

*I gasp*

Attached // jarianaWhere stories live. Discover now