Act I Scene 5

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"Hey Y/n you're looking a little lost" a familiar voice called out to the h/c coloured girl who was holding her lunch tray with an empty expression on her face.

"Oh hey Asher what's up?" She said turning her attention to him, he wasn't holding a lunch tray which led Y/n to believe that he had already found a place to sit, she couldn't lie and say she wasn't jealous. Y/n had her f/f and was anxious to find a place to eat the meal.

"Nothing much, but I couldn't help but notice that you were standing alone with the face of a lost puppy, so why don't you come join me at my table? It is my duty as your monitor to make sure you're settling into school well" Asher says, puffing out his chest. There was nothing he loved more than helping girls out, especially cute ones like Y/n.

"Oh wow really? Well if you don't mind then I will" Y/n said, grateful for his gesture of kindness, she really was starting to feel welcome at this school thanks to Asher. "Uhhh, but is it just you?" She asked tilting her head as she wasn't really in the mood to meet anyone else today.

"But of course" Asher said. "Just me today" he made sure that he was alone this lunch time so get some quality time with Y/n.

"Alright, lead the way" she said, ready to follow Asher so she'd be able to devour her precious lunch. Asher leads her to a wooden table that had a tray of food, presumably Asher's food, on it.

"How did you manage to snag a table for yourself?" Y/n asked as she put her tray down and sat across from him, getting ready to enjoy her meal.

"Student council privileges means I can leave class a bit early" Asher says shrugging before tucking into his spaghetti as Y/n grumbled about the unfairness of the system as she ate her own meal.

"The food here is really good, my primary school served food that would make you wonder if it came out an animals arse" Y/n said as she examined the food, picking it apart with her fork.

"For real? What kind of school did you go to?" Asher asked in surprise as he'd gone to private school all his life, he was only used to food of the best quality.

"Just a regular old primary school" Y/n shrugged, continuing her meal and wondering if there really was much of a difference between a private school and a state school.

"Okay well was the food horrible in your secondary school?" Asher asked.

"I never went, I dropped out in year 5" Y/n said nonchalantly as she ate her meal, leaving Asher in shock.

"Why did you drop out?" He asked her, tilting his head.

"My parents died" Y/n said meeting his shocked stare. Asher couldn't identify the emotions Y/n was portraying on her face, she had a small smile to show that it was okay but her eyes had dulled, contradicting her curved lips.

"I'm sorry to hear that, it must of been tough for you" he says solemnly.

"It was at first but I got to meet Omi afterwards, I'd like to think my parents sent her to me as a way of looking out for me" Y/n said smiling at the fond memory.

"If you don't mind me asking how did you meet Naomi?" Asher asked, glad to be talking about something a bit happier.

"Ahh it's a long story"


"Vera, I'm worried about Y/n she hasn't left her room in days, she won't speak to me" an older woman says to a phone in hushed tones

"I know you're worried Anna but the poor girl just lost her parents, give her time"

Anna kept hearing the phrase 'give her time' over and over again when she seeked guidance over what to do about her granddaughter who had been swallowed by grief. Anna understood that losing your parents at a young age was more than difficult for a young child like Y/n, but Anna had been taking time off of work to look after Y/n as she wasn't going to school anymore, and as a result Anna had lost her job and was on the verge of losing her home.

"How's the job hunting going Anna dear?" Vera asked as Anna sighed through the phone, a sign to her friend that it wasn't going well.

"Well it's going, just not the way I'd like it too" Anna said rubbing her temple as the job search was proving to be more of a nuisance than she thought. It was the same old song and dance, Anna would be invited by employers for an interview, causing to her having to leave her grieving granddaughter behind. She would worry constantly about her granddaughter whilst she was away at the interviews. She would get on well with the employer and begin to feel hopeful that she would be able to get the job, only to be told at the end that due to her age she was seen as unfit for work.

"Something will come up, I'm sure of it" Vera said in hopes of cheering Anna up. Anna appreciated her friend a lot but right now she didn't need faith she needed a well paying job.

"I'll leave you go now Vera, give my love to John please" Anna said before hanging up the phone and placing it back on the stand* she felt bad for hanging up on Vera abruptly but she couldn't listen to words of encouragement anymore. Anna sighed before heading into the kitchen to make herself some tea, she needed to calm down before continuing with her day.

Vera must of cast some sort of spell that Anna wasn't aware of because pretty soon she found a house keeping job for the CEO of a tech company that was on it's second year of business and was doing quiet well.

"And this brings us back to the kitchen" a man with Ruby red hair and a big smile said. This was Mark Hamler, Anna's possible new employer. He was a bit eccentric and carefree but there was nothing wrong with that in Anna's opinion. Mark had just taken her through a tour of the large house that he lived in.

Anna had applied for a house keeping job on a whim, she didn't think she'd hear back but low and behold the employer liked her application and had her in for a viewing of the home as well as a run down of responsibilities. It wasn't too far from her original home so she could rush back forth to see Y/n if the situation required her to do so. Anna had a really good feeling about this.

"Now some thing that wasn't mentioned on the advert is that it will be a live in role" Mark said awkwardly, looking at Anna's shocked face.

"I'm really sorry Mark but if it's live in I don't know if I'll be able to accept it, my granddaughter lives with me and her parents recently passed away, I can't leave her" Anna said rubbing her arm, she knew this job was too good to be true.

"How old is your granddaughter?" Mark asked.

"Nine" Anna replied.

"My daughter is the same age, so why don't you bring your granddaughter here too, Naomi could use some friends" he said smiling, he seemed really eager to hire Anna which was something Anna found a little off putting, but something about him reminded her of her late son, Y/n's father, with the way he was very enthusiastic and had a certain innocence towards the world.

"Well when you put it like that, then I have no choice but to accept" Anna said sheepishly, wondering if she was making the right choice about this. Perhaps a little change of scenery would be good for Y/n as well as the possibility of a new friend for her. If all went wrong she'd figure it out for her precious granddaughter.

Anna signed some contracts with Mark before heading home to Y/n to tell her the news, Y/n didn't have much of a reaction but Anna could tell her granddaughter was pleased that she was working again. By the end of the week they had moved into the Hamler household. Y/n immediately felt at home to the various bits of technology that Mark was working on and allowed her to play with them, he was instantly amazed by her understanding of the gadgets and began to teach her everything he could.

Naomi was less thrilled at there were two more residents in her home, one of which was consuming more of her fathers time than she would of liked.

"Just give her a chance Naomi, I think you'd really like her" Mark cooed to his daughter after she stormed out the dining room, and was now sulking on her bed.

"ALL YOU DO IS TALK ABOUT HOW GREAT Y/N IS IM SICK OF IT!" Naomi yelled as she began to throw pillows at her father, who received the message, and left the room after saying goodnight to his daughter.

It wasn't until a few days later until something happened that would cause the two to become best friends.

"Oh dear we're out of milk, Y/n dear do you mind going to the shop and picking up some please? Naomi can you go with her?" Anna asked the two girls, Y/n nodded and Naomi rolled her eyes but agreed as she didn't want to cause a fuss for the old woman.

The two girls set off with a shopping list in hand as Anna wanted a few more things for that nights dinner.

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