Act I: Scene 14

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"Wow that teacher was really horrible, I had no idea he was like that" Naomi said to Y/n and Grey as they left the classroom. "I know, Y/n are you okay?he kept giving you a hard time in class" Grey asked looking over at the seemingly unbothered h/c girl. "Yeah I'm fine" Y/n said shrugging. "He won't be though" she muttered quietly.

"What was that Y/n?" Naomi asked. "Oh nothing, it's lunch time now, right?" Y/n said putting on a bright smile. "You guys go on ahead, I need to do something" Y/n said waving goodbye and dashing off to somewhere. "Somethings up" Naomi said watching her best friends figure leave. "What makes you say that?"

"She never skips lunch"


Y/n dashed past students who were now filing out classrooms to head to their lunch break. Eventually Y/n made it to the robotics club room, still empty. She sat down on the floor and took her laptop out of her bag, opening it up. "Get fucked teach" she muttered to herself before furiously typing away. Within minutes she was able to hack into the teachers personal computer and found his search history. She took as many screen grabs as she could before encrypting them so it couldn't be traced back to her.

"Are you sure this room will be empty?" A familiar voice asked as they opened the door. "Yes it should be- Oh hey Y/n what brings you here?" Asher asked as he pushed Kai into the room. "I'm exacting revenge, what about you two?" She asked, eyeing the unlikeliest duo. "Kai wanted a quiet place to eat lunch- what do you mean by exacting revenge?" Asher asked, suddenly realising what she said.

"This douche of a geography teacher got onto me today for correcting a mistake he made and decided to be extremely... uh whats the word... he made fun of me for being a scholarship student" Y/n explained waving her hand.

"Oh damn that sucks you okay?" Asher asked but before she could answer Kai interrupted. "Do you want me to take care of him?" Kai asked.

"Thanks for the offer but I pretty much got it, actually you guys can help me" She said thoughtfully. "What do you need?" Asher asked. "So I have his search history, it's not pretty. So I'm gonna email it to all the teachers and the principal. Maybe his family. And I was gonna distribute printouts to the student body as well" Y/n explained.

"You're kinda scary" Asher said, feeling a cold sweat run down his back. "I think she's incredible" Kai said, a sadistic smile spreading across his lips. Asher felt his nervousness increase.

"Firstly I need to print the screen grabs. Maybe one thousand copies, that should do" Y/n hummed, eyes returning to her computer. "We can put them in the vents and have them blow out into classrooms." Kai suggests. "Whilst you're at it, you could look up Cole's search history" Y/n nodded and began typing again.

"It's... so boring" She said sighing and turning around her laptop to show the boys, who were now sat across from her, she watched as their faces instantly went from egar to disappointed "it's just homework questions..." Asher said sighing.

"Has he even been to a party?" Kai asked sighing turning the laptop back to Y/n "moving on from Cole being boring as shit, I've started printing the copies, Asher could you go get them? They've been sent to the printer in the second floor library" Y/n asks, Asher nods and immediately leaves the room.

"Kai how will your vent plan work?" Y/n asks. "Well all student council members have access to the schools heating system, air conditioning included, we can throw half in there and jack up the AC so they all blow out" Kai says, showing her an app on his phone.

"Interesting, let's use the other half and spread them in the hallways" Y/n says grinning. "You seem to have no issues with doing shady shit for your own gain, would you ever be willing to do some jobs for me, with pay of course" Kai says with a sadistic smile.

"What kind of jobs?"

"Oh you know, digging up dirt for black mail, obviously a couple high quality meals will be thrown your way, courtesy of me" Kai says shrugging. "Hmm I'll sleep on it and get back to you tomorrow, you still owe me that dinner after all" Y/n says smiling.

"Guys I'm back" Asher calls out from the door, his hands too full to open the door himself. Kai let's him in and takes part of the stack off of him. "Right Kai and Asher dump them in the vents and jack the AC up when classes start, I'll handle the rest"


Students often found themselves bored at Eadge Acadamy, I mean there's only so much enjoyment to be had at a boarding school tucked away from the rest of society. There was always drama going on but thanks to someone's connections it never lasted long. That was until today.

Students, sat in repetitive classes, bored out of their minds once again, suddenly felt a cold chill breeze through the air. Unusual considering it was September and the English weather could normally be harsh at this time. Then it happened. The sight of papers flying out of seemingly nowhere, confusing both students and teachers. People started trying to catch them, others just picked up the ones that had landed on the floor, what they saw shocked them.

It was the search history of a somewhat beloved geography teacher. Graphic searches made on a somewhat well known video site, with some involving student-teacher relations, support and comments for some very frowned on groups and organisation have also been made. Gasps and laughter could be heard throughout the school. Y/n smiling as she realised her plan had worked.

"Y/n... did you do this?" Naomi whispered after reading the paper that had fallen on her desk. "People can make comments on who I am all they want. However, judging my circumstances, surely they should be judged as well" Y/n said vaguely with a hint of a smile. Naomi sighed. She did try and stop him.

"Please can Mr Lawrence make his way to the faculty office. Please can Mr Lawrence make his way to the faculty office" the loud speaker rang out.

"Right on time"

A/n: I broke my phone today lol, the screen is all green n stuff it's hard to look at, getting it replaced tomorrow, hopefully.

Anyways I plan to wrap up Act I soon. Hopfully Act II won't take as long to write. Then it's Act III the final act.

Submissions for the Q&A are still being accepted. Please read the A/n on the last chapter for more info and to submit questions.

Much love ♡

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