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Nuwa was reading a book on the couch with Nao Nao on her lap while Tai-Hua was watering the plants on the balcony

Nuwa's phone rang as she looked at the screen, it was Donnie, she clicked to button and brought her phone to her ear

"What's up, D?" Nuwa asked

"Actually, uhm... can you tell us how April has been doing?" Donnie asked on the other side

"I'm pretty sure you're capable of doing that yourself, lover boy" Nuwa smirked as she took her glass of juice from the table and took a sip

"Uhm... she doesn't want to talk to us. In fact, she told us she never wanted to see us ever again" Donnie explained

"Why? Were you guys having a fight?" Nuwa asked

"It's worst... we... we accidentally mutated her dad" Donnie spit out

Nuwa choked as she spit out her drink and coughed


Nao Nao got a scare and jumped off her lap and Tai-Hua turned to look at Nuwa with confusion

"It was an accident! We-"

"I can't believe it. First the power cell and now this?! What kind of ninja are you guys?" Nuwa scoffed

"We're sorry, I'm trying to find a cure for him, but please, tell me if April is doing fine" Donnie begged as Nuwa sighed heavily

"I'm going over to her, but not for you! Weirdo"

And with that, she hung up

"What was all of that?" Tai-Hua asked

"Donnie and the others had done something very, very stupid and now April is upset with them and doesn't want any contact with them" Nuwa explained as Tai-Hua hummed

"I'm going over to her" Nuwa said as Tai-Hua nodded

"Good idea, she could use your company, she seem to really like you a lot"

She chuckled awkwardly as she got up from the couch and walked off

She thought she'd bring some snacks to cheer her up, so she walked into the kitchen, took some chocolate, chips and ice cream and put them in a bag

"Nao Nao, are you coming? I think April can use our company" Nuwa said as her vixen walked up to her and followed her all the way to April's house

Nuwa had the bag filled with food on her shoulders while holding Nao Nao

She knocked on the door as she called out


No answer, she knocked again


Still no answer

She grabbed the doorknob and surprisingly, the door wasn't locked

She carefully made her way inside as she looked around

"April, it's me!" She called out

The room was dark and the only light was coming from the lanterns from outside

She could hear muffled crying coming from April's room and she carefully opened the door

April was sitting on her bed while hugging her knees and cried, she felt like she was there for hours

"April" Nuwa gasped silently as she sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed her back

Nao Nao was looking at the red-haired girl while hanging her ears and whimpering

April looked up with red, teary eyes

"W-what are you doing here?" April sniffed

"I came to check on you, I heard what about what happened" Nuwa replied

"Donnie sent you, didn't he. I never want to see them again!" April cried as Nuwa pulled her into a hug

"I get it. When Donnie told me, I was angry too... I didn't just came to tell Donnie what you were doing, but to check if you were ok. He doesn't need to know that, because he and his brothers were being reckless... I came, because I hate seeing you upset" Nuwa explained as April's sobbing eased as she hugged back

"You love your dad and he loves you"

Nuwa took her sleeve and gently wiped April's tears off

"Plus, look what I brought with me" Nuwa added as she showed April the bag with food

April smiled as she looked at Nao Nao and petted her, the vixen immediately climbed onto her lap

"You have a cute fox, I didn't even know you had a fox. What's its name?" April asked

"Her name is Nao Nao and she's my animal companion" Nuwa smiled, making April giggle

"So, what do you say and watch a movie?" Nuwa suggested

Not long after, April and Nuwa were sitting on the couch under a blanket while eating their snacks

Nuwa also offered April tissues to calm herself down and the movie that they were watching was a romantic-comedy themed one

"Now, are you feeling ok?" Nuwa asked as April nodded

"You know, I think your dad must have loved you very much" April smiled as she thought she was giving Nuwa a compliment

Nuwa's smile dropped and looked down

"What is it?" April asked

"I don't really talk about my parents" Nuwa replied quickly as April placed a hand on her shoulder

"I understand if you don't want to, you can tell me when you want to" she said as they both smiled and went back to watching TV

After 2 hours, Nuwa collected her stuff and her fox and stood outside

"Are you good being on your own?" Nuwa asked

"Yeah, I'll be ok. Will you come visit again?" April asked as Nuwa nodded and left

On her way home, she was thinking about what April said, but her dad never loved her. Not after what he did to her

She placed a hand on her right ear as she tried to fight back her tears, Nao Nao nuzzled her face as she smiled and rubbed her head

"It's ok, I'm ok. She doesn't know anyway" she whispered

Nuwa sat on her bed while Nao Nao was sleeping peacefully on her lap, she wore a light-blue pajama pants and a white shirt, then Nuwa's phone rang. She looked at the screen and it was Donnie, she clicked the button and brought her phone to her ear


"She's doing fine" Nuwa said with a monotone voice

"Is there something? You sound so... down" Donnie asked

"No, I'm just tired. I'm going to bed, goodnight" Nuwa greeted

"Goodnight" Donnie replied

And with that, she hung up and pulled her hair out of her bun, her hair covered her undercut as she rested her head on her pillow and stared at the ceiling

Meanwhile, April was in bed while scrolling through her phone. She was reading yet ignoring Donnie's apologies and asking her if she was ok or that she would forgive him

She turned off her phone and placed it on her nightstand, she stared at th ceiling as she thought

"Nuwa seems to be the only one who truly understands me, she's so, so... amazing! Not because she's the Avatar, just her... but Donnie still flirts with me. Oh, how do I tell him? How do I tell her?"

TMNT 2012 S2 (with OC)Where stories live. Discover now