part 1: meet venus

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It all started on a regular Wednesday when Lucy came into the room texting. After ignoring my saying hi, I asked who she was texting that was so important. Lucy said an old friend had reached out to her via text. I didn't know she had any old friends. As I learn the woman's name, she tells me that Venus wants to meet up and hang out since she's in town for a few days. Lucy was smiling, and I could tell she was happy to hear from this Venus person. It probably had been a long time since they saw each other. I was curious, if Lucy- who is very picky about the people she gets close to, is such a fan of this person, I want to meet them. "Hey- I wanna meet this Venus girl. Why don't you ask if she wants to go for coffee Friday with the three of us? You and I both have the day free." I suggest. "That's a great idea, Liz!" Lucy brightens up. "I'll ask her.". After another minute, I responded, "Okay, so she said that she'd love to meet you and see both of us, but that it would be a waste of money to go out and buy coffee. However, she says we're more than welcome to come over and visit her at her Airbnb.". "That sounds good to me!". Once we had settled on the details, that day and the next, I started pondering how the meeting would go.

Before I knew it, it was Friday. We showed up at her house at the arranged time and knocked on the door. When it opened, I was greeted by the sight of a gorgeous woman. She is slightly taller than me, about 5'8-5'10 in height, with beautiful long bright pink hair- curled in big wavy curls. Her eyes were a soft green-brown, and she was very curvy. Huge breasts and huge breasts and- I'm staring, aren't I? I stiffen up and jerk my eyes away from her. I could have sworn I heard her laugh under her breath but jumped to hug Lucy instead. They cling to each other tightly for a second before letting go. "It's so nice to see you again, V- it's been way too long" Lucy smiled at her friend. "I know, right. Glad you guys could make it, though- c'mon in" the pink one smiled and waved/ushered us in.

Once we were seated around the coffee table; myself on the couch, Lucy on an opposing chair, and Venus on the one next to it- we started chatting. It was mostly the two of them since I wasn't sure where to start with a new person who had a history with the person I'm herewith. It's weird third-wheeling, but it only got weirder. I started to tune things out and accidentally stared at her body again. Venus had curves that clung to the inside of her pink skirt and huge breasts nearly popping out of her low shirt. There was something about her that was just so... alluring. Like even her smell, like candied cherries and sprite. It's hard to describe her essence, like playing a Lana del Ray song wearing heart-shaped glasses in the middle of summer. She was incredible. I just sat, dumbfounded by her. I was so focused on Venus that I'd barely noticed how Lucy was looking at her. Usually, I would be a little jealous or upset- but I was doing the same thing. She was just... irresistible. "Okay, enough with the fronting- I can tell you two wanna fuck from the way you're drooling all over me" Venus smirked. We both snapped out of it. "What??? Noooo... I mean- no......." "What are you talking abouttttt" "We're in a relationship, so we couldn't do anything, uh... even if we wanted to". Venus took that suggestion to heart "hmmm. Well, you are both dating. Oh no-" she fake pouted, "guess we'll all have to fuck now won't we. After all, six hands are better than one, right?" she smirked. "So do tell me... have you two ever had two girls at once before?". We were both speechless. "I- uhm..." I try to start. Venus gets up from her chair and sits next to me on the couch. "Well, what do we have here..." She leaned over my left shoulder and used her finger to pull my hair aside, giving her a clear view of my neck. "You're so pretty- I wonder if you're that pretty in all the places I can't see. Guess we'll have to check." Venus turns her head to face Lucy and coyly says, "y'know your girlfriend is pretty cute- mind if we share her?". "I- uh, you should probably be asking her that..." Lucy replied, still in shock but now red in the face. "Well, what do you think, cutie?" she leaned closer to me and stared deeply and sensually into my eyes, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "Uhm, I think you're gorgeous," I blurted out. Eyes wide as my hands snap to cover my mouth out of embarrassment, I stare down at the ground out of shame. After a moment, my eyes travel up to Lucy, still seated across from me, and I notice her legs are pressed unusually tightly against each other. Knees and feet apart, her face is still blushing red as her hands push down on her lap, right above her crotch. I realise she's.... Turned on? Maybe? When that question and realisation hit me, so did something else. I whip my face towards Venus and realise our faces were only a few centimetres apart. Oh fuck, I am too. Her lips open and move slowly but deliberately, very close to mine. Hovering above contact, eyes never breaking contact with my mouth, she looks up for a moment without moving. "Is this okay with you? / May I?" Oh god, she's so close to my face. I nod. She kisses me passionately. I feel myself getting even more soaked. My mind was racing as she swung her leg over mine. She was fully riding/sitting on top of me. Oh, lesbian Jesus. She breaks away from my lips for a moment to sit up, still straddling me, and while towering over me- pushes my chest back pretty hard against the back of the couch. I gulp, feeling myself settle into the new position. Venus wastes no time and leans forward into me, pushing my head back over the back of the couch with her hand- and immediately heading towards my neck. She licks a warm, wet strip of saliva up my neck. I could feel how badly my body wanted her to do that to my pussy. She started kissing all up and down every inch of my neck. She wanted more. So did I. She tore herself away for a moment to announce loudly, "I want to bite you. Is that okay?" while panting a little. "Please" is all I managed to get out. Her darting eyes lit up, and I could swear they were red for a second. I could feel her teeth sink deep into my neck in a moment. The biggest moan slipped out of my throat. This encouraged her more clearly since she kept sinking her teeth into all the parts of my neck possible. I kept moaning, not having control over myself any more clearly. Everything felt just like pure pleasure. I want to make sure Lucy feels this good too when we have sex, so I should offer to try that on them. Lucy. WAIT, LUCY. Someone else is biting my neck and kissing me, but w-what about my girlfriend??? "Uhh.... Lu-Lucy are.. are you there?" I pant but manage to stagger out. "I- ..... Yeah Uhm.... I'm here," she pieced together aloud. "Um, I- is-...." my eyes rolled into the back of my head, and my head cocked back over the back of the couch. I can't even think anymore. She's sucking hickeys into my neck and leaving bite marks so deep that I won't be surprised if they bruise. I don't even care. It feels so good. Venus sat up once again, landed her arms on either side of my head, and intensely stared into my eyes. "Elizabeth. I want to fuck you. Will you let me destroy you?". Her expression was dead serious, and her eyes were nearly glowing red. She had stopped touching me altogether (besides straddling me) and clearly would stay not touching me until I replied. "I...I want you. I- I'm so wet..." I get out before adding on, "but what about Lucy?". "What about her? I never said she wasn't invited too..." Venus grinned and turned to Lucy. "What about it, princess? It's been a while, hasn't it?" Lucy's eyes widened like I've never seen before. "I-.." she was almost frozen for a few seconds before melting her hard exterior a bit to say, "I really missed this V.". She smiled then turned to me, saying, "You're gonna have a fun time babe. I think we all are". And so we did. "Glad to hear it- do me a favour, babe, and grab that box over there," Venus asked Lucy nicely. Lucy unstuck herself from her seated position to walk over and bring the box back to us. I looked back at the seat she'd been on and wouldn't you know it, but there was a huge wet stain right where she'd been sitting. I knew Lucy got wet easily, but I don't know if I've ever seen her that wet. Once she'd brought over the box, and Venus got off me to sort through it for a moment- Lucy confided something. "Seeing you like that... I-" I cut her off. "I'm so sorry I got caught up in the moment I'm sorry if I-" She cut me off. "Seeing you like that made me hornier than I could possibly imagine. I've always secretly fantasized about someone else fucking you. I love topping you, genuinely I do. But there's something about someone else doing it and making me watch that feels so- sexy. Maybe I'm putting it wrong, but I just feel like-" I kiss her. She's kneeling in front of the couch. I grab her by the face while talking and kiss her so hard. She lets out a short but heavy breath. I start kissing her again and again, slipping in my tongue as it gets more intense. "Hey- I never said you guys could start without me." She held a bunch of toys in her hands and threw them aside onto the couch next to me. "In any case, I think we'll have to take some things off to continue.." she took off her top and unclipped her bra- revealing her gorgeous hanging breasts. She unzipped her skirt and pulled down her panties. She also pulled the pink hair elastic off her wrist to pull her matching pink hair into a high ponytail- to get it out of her face. "Move over" Venus sits down next to me, pushing the toys beside her side. "Are you guys okay if I take the lead?" She asks. Lucy and I both nod. "Okay then. Lucy- back to your chair." "What? But I just-" "Are you going to do what I have to say or am I going to have to punish you?" "I'd like to see your so-called punishment" Lucy bratted. "Don't forget you asked for this when you're begging me to touch you in a minute," Venus scoffed. V guided lucy back to the chair and used two lengths of rope to bond her legs, spread apart, to the chair legs, and her chest, although still loosely, to the back of the chair- with hands handcuffed behind her. "Hmmm, this isn't enough. I want to see that pretty body of yours naked. I want to be able to watch how wet this makes you.". Venus's hands travel up Lucy's thighs before making her way to Lucy's pussy. Feeling the shaking of her body- Venus opts for a meaner option. She pulls out a pair of scissors and says, "I'll pay for replacing it, okay? But only if you're good" Lucy looks at her with trust. They really have done this before, huh. To my surprise, she cuts both straps off of lucy's underwear, making it fall right off her body and lie underneath her on the chair. Venus proceeds to cut off lucy's skirt, lucy's shirt- and it just so happened that she wasn't wearing a bra that day- or it surely would have been cut too. The cut-up shirt was still hooked on her arms, but V took off the cut skirt entirely. She wanted a full view of Lucy's pussy. She came back over to me on the couch. "Your turn, my love. Don't think I forgot about you, did I?" She wasted no time and traced her fingers up to my soaked panties. She'd already put down the scissors, so she pulled down my panties and dropped them on the floor. She pulled my legs apart, and while sitting at my left, traced up my pussy with her middle finger. "Wow, you're soaked from just biting? You really are easy, huh?" I tensed up. "Don't worry, pretty girl, I'll help you out.". She started out by stroking up and down with a finger, then used a few more. She reached next to her to pull out a big microphone-looking thing. I asked her what that was. It looks like a microphone- and she replied, "It's not one, but it'll make you sing- that's for sure." She placed it against my clitoris and powered it on. At first, my legs flinched, but she held them apart with her free hand. "Nonono, I want your legs open. I want to feel all of you. I want her to see you." Venus stares at Lucy. while I get used to the new sensation, she grabs another toy, a dildo. She gets very close to my face. I am very turned on. "Are you a slut?" She asks. "Uhm- I- I'm..." "Yes, you are. You're my slut. Don't you forget it." She slammed a big thick dildo into my dripping pussy. I let out a huge moan. She pounds in and out of me rhythmically, with the vibrator still whirring away. "Look at how good you're taking it. I rarely find someone I like fucking as much as Lucy- but I'm having a great time with you as my toy. Maybe I should just keep you here as a pet. Maybe more like a doll. You take it in like a pro. I'll make you this promise, Elizabeth. I will find your limits and push them until you break. I will fuck you again and again until you physically can't handle it. I will use you and please you as I want. Do you understand?" "Mhmm.... I do V-Venus. I understand" My legs shaking and back arching from all the pressure building. I caught sight of Lucy from across the coffee table. I took a look a little further down to see her soaking wet cunt dripping all over the seat, making her entire vulva look like a slip n slide for someone's face. Mine. My face. She was tied up and bound, helpless. She was staring back at me. "Aww, you finally realized you can both see each other. That's cute. Say, Lucy- how do you feel about this? How does it make you feel that I'm fucking your girlfriend? The best part is, there's nothing you can do about it. I'm fucking her so hard she can't think, and you're strapped to a chair, soaking wet without even being touched. You should be embarrassed. You're pathetic. You're fucking pathetic, Lucy. We're going to keep touching each other and make you watch. I'm going to make your girlfriend orgasm, and you're going to watch. Do you understand, princess?" Asked Venus. The pounding sped up, and the vibrator got turned up a notch. I couldn't take it anymore. I screamed out Venus's name at the top of my lungs as my body shook with an intense orgasm. 

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