part 2: more smut

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Lucy pov:

I can't take it anymore. I'm completely helpless and tied to my chair with my legs spread wide, bare pussy completely visible to everyone in the room. I can feel my legs quivering and the wetness staining my seat growing unbearable and the place of mine which it comes from, throbbing. I'm still staring at Elizabeth sprawled over the back of the couch with Venus's sticky fingers still holding the toys that pushed my girlfriend over the edge. Still feeling buzzed from all the degradation and airborne aphrodisiac energy, I whimper quietly without realising. Venus whips her head around at the sound and I may be a little high on horny but I could've sworn her very dilated pupils were heart shaped. She fixated on me and our eyes met intensely. I was entranced by her. No surprise, she is a succubus after all- and this isn't my first time. God, she really is addictive isn't she? She kissed Elizabeth's shoulder gently and dropped the toys she was holding, and headed over to me. She was now kneeling in front of my chair on her knees. Her evil eyes stared back up at mine and she smirked, seemingly remembering all the times we've seen this happen before. She always was good at doing all my favourite things. She really read me like a book. She tore through me the same way too. She stared down at the very very wet pussy she had caused, and started tracing little circles up my inner leg and upper thigh. Eventually she got to me and kept her head a few inches away from my throbbing clitoris, staring back up at me for a last glance before diving into me, burying her head in me. My whole body tensed and twitched, throwing my head back as I could feel her tongue making every muscle react just as she wanted. Her long tongue licked a strip up my vulva and flicked my clitoris at the end. She traced the outside of my labia minora with her tongue in an inverted V shape. It made me shutter a little with sensitivity when she made contact with the hood of my clitoris. When she had completed that circuit she licked her way back up the inside my inner labia, making her way to my clitoris. She used her fingers to spread me apart, including pushing up the hood (clit), revealing me completely. She wasted no time in abusing my clitoris, licking and sucking until I could barely contain myself. I was barely able to move as I struggled against my restraints. It made it all the more sexy that I couldn't move much even if I wanted to. I'm truly at her mercy, and knowing her- that's none at all. I guess I was getting so enthralled that I leaned forward in the chair, only noticing in time for a hard push back against my seat from Venus's hand. Venus moved her hand from my sternum (middle of my chest) to my breast. She grasped it fairly gently, digging in slightly with her nails, causing me to wince slightly. It only made us both wetter. She played with my breast and pussy at the same time, using her thumb to trace subtle circles on my nipple, and doing the same with her tongue on all of my wetness. Now leaning far back against the back of my chair, still completely immobilised to it- I could barely take anymore. She had been going at it for a while and I could feel the two fast heartbeats throbbing throughout me. I could hear the licking and sucking attributed to feeling so good. I think she could tell I was getting close to my limit, and as always she decided to push it. I only felt her fingers touch my entrance for a moment before three or four penetrated me deeply and quickly. If I wasn't already pudding in her hands, I was now. She thrusted into me with almost inhuman might, pounding and pounding inside me- still using her mouth to please me from the outside, and her hand to play with my tits. Only a succubus could manage all this at once. Or maybe just a very skilled lesbian. In any case, I finally noticed my ill-stifled whimpers became full blown moans and I no longer had any control over my own voice. I was near screaming and crying out in pleasure, until one particular moment where everything came together. Like a big eruption, my body shook and I screamed out while she kept fucking me, until I went near totally limp and she stopped. She got up from her knees and sat on my lap with her legs open, facing my stomach. "That was fun, wasn't it? Don't worry- that isn't all. I know you can take it, you have before. Just a little more..." she breathed heavily into my neck, slowly wrapping her fingers around it. She started gripping my neck tighter and tighter, but not so much so I couldn't talk. "I know you want it. All you have to do is beg." Venus cooly said. "Please" was all I could get out. Venus likes to be a hard-ass about certain things like this but I got her wrapped around my finger with just a word too. She may not want to admit it but she wants to fuck me just as much as I want to fuck her. She doesn't need me to beg. Her hearing me consent is enough to lose herself in desire. How predictable. Even after all these years she hasn't changed a bit. One of the things I love about her. She got off me for a moment after I asked, unravelling her grasp on me. I gasped for air, not realising she had taken my breath away. She came back over in a minute to continue what we had started, but first freed me of my restraints, and removed the remaining parts of my clothes. Once I stand up, I raise my gaze to the couch where my beautiful girlfriend is sitting, watching the whole encounter. She seems a bit out of breath as I realise she still has her fingers playing with her wet folds and biting her lip slightly. She's been touching herself while watching us have sex. I admire her body and watch her pleasure herself for a moment before I walk over to her and she reaches her free hand around my head to pull me in for a deep kiss. She breaks away for a second to staggered breathing as her pleasure seems to escalate. I can't help but feel inclined to help her in whatever way I can. I grab her face back and kiss her passionately. I'm so fucking horny. I keep kissing her, and she, me in return. The pace quickens and we go from warm to hot in a manner of a minute. My hand trails down her body and reaches her wet cunt, which I stroke along with her fingers. Her body reacts to it positively, but I'm muffling her moans with more messy kisses. Eventually, out of breath- I trail down her neck. I'm not quite sure what comes over me but I start biting her hard on her neck, sinking my teeth deep into her soft flesh. I quicken my pace, stroking her clitoris very quickly now. Her hands have made way for mine, and are now going into lightly fingering herself. As much as she can despite my clitoral distraction. I can feel her mannerisms change and I can see her climaxing again. She has the most beautiful face of pure ecstasy. Both of us fall back on the couch, exhausted, and still panting. In the fatigue, we manage to find each other's hands and hold them. By now, Venus has finished putting on a bright pink strap on, and seemingly enjoyed the show from the two of them. "Mmm, Y'know I quite enjoy my pets/sluts playing with each other. I was going to just fuck one of you, but maybe it was my mistake to gve the other one a break. Maybe I should play with you both at once. How does that sound?" Venus smiled coyly. We all looked at each other with wide eyes and wet cunts. Before I knew it, I was lying on the ground, legs spread, with Elizabeth descending on my face and venus- my pussy. I moaned out at the thick penetration from Venus right as Elizabeth's pussy muffled my mouth. Bottoming and topping at the same time is one of those underrated things that is so hot you don't realise it until you try it. I could feel Venus beginning to get into a rhythm of thrusting into me, and I could feel the waves of pleasure washing over me. I put that energy to use and didn't think. I just ate Elizabeth out. I could feel the weight of her on my face, it was amazing. The slightly crushing feeling, plus the wetness now all over my face, and the pussy right on my mouth was a mouth-watering combination. I licked and sucked and fucked to my heart's content, squeezing and grabbing her buttcheeks sitting on my chest. Elizabeth would tremble and grab my hair at the root, in between her fingers, to steady herself. At the same time, Venus had her hands on my hips, pulling me in closer to her, bouncing the pink dildo in and out of me at her discretion. I felt absoelytely ecstatic, and the combination of sexual fatigue mixed with the pleasure and how turned on I was- resulted in a very soft brain environment. It felt like I was floating in a nice dream, with gorgeous sexy women, who I loved, who where fucking my brains out. So warm, so safe. I fell deeper and deeper into this headspace the more she fucked and the more I sucked. I loved feeling Elizabeth's legs quake above my face, and didn't mind the general suffocation, I had a little bit of room to breathe- just enough, and the deep feeling of stretch and crashing waves of stimulation that resulted, were near orgasmic. Eventually the simulation overwhelmed my senses in the best way possible- and I orgasmed. Who knows how many times it has been by now today... I was still twitching on the ground, clearly post-coital, when Venus removed the dildo from me, and picked up elizabeth (who hadn't been able to finish this time before I did) and placed her onto the phallic object, wrapping liz's legs around her hips. She wrapped her arms around elizabeth and pushed her up against the nearest wall, using it to fuck her against. Again and again and again. My once stoic and unstoppable girlfriend had been rendered consensually immoble by this succubus who was fucking her so hard, she looked more like a toy doll than a person. In my dozy state I only heard some of what she was saying to her, but clearly it was making Elizabeth wetter. "You take it so well", "don't think so much, just let me take care of you" and "I want to watch you come". I heard my girlfriend cry out in pleasure and my last image of her was her cocking her head back and cumming loud and hard, and my vision faded to black.

A/N: Nothing happens to Lucy while she is sleeping- don't worry. Lucy passed out at the end from fatigue of everything and the next chapter will continue the next morning when everyone has rested and taken a break from so much sex. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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six hands are better than two- smut lemon gxgxg lesbian threesome succubus demonWhere stories live. Discover now