The Trial

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What if Queen Channary recovered from regolith poisoning? What if the fire happened but they arrested Levana and found Selene still alive? She was kept in a tank for several years until she was strong enough to have the surgery. Channary teaches her how to use her powers and starts hiding her cyborg parts. She learns of all Channary wants her to learn for when she is queen.


As well as chapter three late, this chapter is a few days late and I am so sorry about that.

Just so you know, I will not post the next two weeks because I will be on vacation but when I get back I will be super active with my TLC fanfictions so be on the lookout for all of those stories.

I hope you enjoy this chapter! :)



Chapter Four: The Trial

I stand in front of my oversized, bedazzled mirror, my maids shuffling around. I am dressed in a simple yet stunning dark gray silk gown with my hair in a flowy updo.

As I was walking back to my room last night after visiting my deformed monster of a daughter, I stopped in front of the large windows overlooking the gardens to see Levana's husband, Evret, playing with Winter and Jacin. They seemed so carefree after the events of the day.

Standing there, watching them play, was when I made the decision to execute Levana. She deserves it after everything she did to Selene and what she has done throughout the years as payback for what I did to her.

And here I thought she would be grateful. I only showed her true self since Levana was in denial. Poor, helpless Levana. Poor, ugly Levana.

I smiled as I walked away from the windows and continued walking to my chambers. Levana deserves it, and I'm going to make her innocent daughter watch as her stepmother's head is removed.

Now, as I stand here, preparing for the execution, I beam with joy. The thought of my sister finally gone makes me want to squeal and jump around. Of course, such a manner is impolite.

"Gracie," I shout as several maids hem my dress and fix my hair. My personal maid, Gracie, walks forward. She is rather young, only twenty years old, but carries herself as if she was thirty. She is a natural beauty with her silky auburn hair and fair skin, but her movement is slow, her eyes growing more tired each day. "Please tell me what is being done in preparation for the trial."

She looks down at the clipboard that she seems rather fond of. Her voice drags as she takes a deep breath. "The trial is scheduled for thirty minutes from now and most of the guests are seated with a few loitering around, but I had a guard show them to the courtroom. Princess Winter is seated in her throne while Mr. Hayle and Sir Clay are on duty. They are leading Levana to the courtroom as per your request."

I smile, beaming with relief and joy that everything is on track. I wince as a needle pricks me. I send a death glare to the young girl, who nervously looks at me and removes her needle from the dress.

"Excellent, thank you, Gracie. All of you leave!" I order, stepping off the platform, causing me to step on the poor girl's hand. She yelps but stays silent. What a good girl. The maids scramble out of my room as Gracie moves at a slow pace. I walk over to the window and look out at the vast landscape. Earth moves slowly in the distance, blues and greens flashing by.

Levana is to be dead soon with all of Luna and Earth to see her. My smile darkens, my body singing with joy. Oh how fun this will be. To make matters even more enjoyable, Evret is the one ordered to kill Levana. Oh the look on Levana's face when her "love", poor, sweet, obedient Evret, takes his blade and aims it at her head.

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