Chapter 7: A Letter From a Friend

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Its been three days since William fall into a coma, everyday is the same at the Moriarty's mansion. Meanwhile John who is in a vacation received a letter from his friend Sherlock who is temporarily not staying at the apartment. John with Mary, Mrs.Hudson  and others is in a vacation at Brighton for the past days, when John received the letter he opened it and see that the key inside the apartment is also there and he started to read what his friend said in the letter:

Dear John H. Watson,

                  Yo John I hope you are still having fun with your vacation its been three days since you went to Brighton and since I got close to William, and yes the name of the Moriarty that I was interested is William. Unfortunately there is something wrong with William's health and I know that you are a retired doctor John maybe when you went home please come with me and check on William. I don't have any idea on what should I do or what do I have to do John, Liam is on a temporary comma can a thorn of roses can really do that? Or Maybe Liam is overdosing himself with painkillers which contains a very high dosage...Im at lost John I don't have anyone to talk about these so that's why I'm sending you this letter and also Im going to stay at the Moriarty's until William is okay, so let Mrs. Hudson know that Im not going to stay in the apartment for now and also John I already confessed my feelings about William to his older brother I have no idea where is this going but I just hope William will be happy and in good condition again. I hope you still have fun there with Mary John take all your free time and write me a letter when you are going back.

                              Your Dear Friend, Sherlock Holmes

John got worried for his friend after he reads the letter.

"How pity to be in your position Sherlock" John stated while putting the letter and the key into a table, John also get himself a paper to write a letter back to Sherlock.

Dear Sherlock Holmes,
                I have received and read your letter I feel very sorry for you about what is happening there and I won't forget to tell Mrs. Hudson that you aren't staying in the apartment for now and about William it is true that a thorn from a rose can caused someone to be poisoned and lead to death but I think on William's case someone has cleaned William's wound before the poison could spread all over William's blood that's why William has been put in a temporary coma, and talking about the possibility of your dear friend overdosing himself with a high dosage painkillers can't cause a coma Sherlock, it sure can caused someone to be poison but not a coma it can only lead to a quick death through the stomach aches or suffocation. I indeed feel sorry about William especially creating that non existing murder or crime that you have created to be able to get close to him, and Im still couldn't believe how you get me to approved that stupid request of yours. Also we've decided to comeback before April maybe a day or two when you received this letter, take care of yourself there Sherlock and always do the right thing that you feel is right.

                              Your Dear Friend, John H. Watson

John drop the letter in a post office near Brighton and went back to the place their staying, then he informed Mrs. Hudson that Sherlock isn't staying in the apartment for a moment and about what's happening to Sherlock and his dear friend.

"Oh my I guess we really should return tomorrow or the day after" Mrs.Hudson stated to John as everyone agree on what Mrs. Hudson said.

It's the fourth day of William in his coma, same faces and same thing has been happening in the mansion but this day is quite different as Louis got a letter from the mailbox that is for Sherlock from his dear friend John. Louis gave the letter to Sherlock and immediately read the letter:

Dear Sherlock Holmes,
                I have received and read your letter I feel very sorry for you about what is happening there and I won't forget to tell Mrs. Hudson that you aren't staying in the apartment for now and about William it is true that a thorn from a rose can caused someone to be poisoned and lead to death but I think on William's case someone has cleaned William's wound before the poison could spread all over William's blood that's why William has been put in a temporary coma, and talking about the possibility of your dear friend overdosing himself with a high dosage painkillers can't cause a coma Sherlock, it sure can caused someone to be poison but not a coma it can only lead to a quick death through the stomach aches or suffocation. I indeed feel sorry about William especially creating that non existing murder or crime that you have created to be able to get close to him, and Im still couldn't believe how you get me to approved that stupid request of yours. Also we've decided to comeback before April maybe a day or two when you received this letter, take care of yourself there Sherlock and always do the right thing that you feel is right.

                              Your Dear Friend, John H. Watson

"You think so too John, you're really the best" Sherlock said to himself with a small curve on his lips.

"John? Someone close to you Sherlock?" Louis asked to Sherlock.

"Yeah, he's a dear friend and a partner of mine" Sherlock answer Louis.

"A dear friend of Sherlock Holmes I see..." Louis said as he left Sherlock's room and went to William's room.


>>>A/N: The part when q letter is only "Italicized" it's being written, when the letter is "Italicized and has a underline" it was being read, so you can decide if you'll read the letter when it was being written or being read already thanks and enjoy reading <3.

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