Chapter 14: A Shocking Revelation

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The party has finally ended as for Albert and the others who's on their way back to the mansion.

"I have a lot of fun Albert ni san I hope William ni san enjoyed the party too" Louis stated with a smile to Albert.

"I'm glad to hear that Louis, and yes I hope Will too" Albert stated with a forced smile on his face which made Sherlock to look at Albert.

"Is there's something bothering you Albert?" Sherlock asked.

"No nothing at all Sherlock, thank you for the concern" Albert replied to Sherlock.

"Oh yes before I forgot about earlier, Albert ni san who's that red mask man dancing with ni san?" Louis asked to Albert.

Moran, James, Fred and Jack looked at Albert after Louis made that question, while Albert look at Sherlock and the dark blue haired man look back to him "To be honest I'm also wondering who's that man too, I never seen him entered the venue" Jack stated as he tries to remember every faces of the guests that arrived at the venue earlier.

Albert took a deep breath before he starts to speak "It was Luke, before Will fall into his coma Sherlock saw a letter in Will's room then he also showed it to me. In the letter Luke stated his appearance and what he'll wear at the party."

"Luke?! And you didn't tell us about this Albert ni san?!" Louis stated with an irate look in his face.

"I know and I should be blame for not telling you all, but the reason why I didn't tell you all about this, is because I'm sure that all of you will not have a good time at the party and will focus on guarding Will or looking out for Luke" Albert stated then sighed.

"Don't blame it all to yourself Albert, I should be also be blame here since I lost sight of Liam earlier that's why Luke got into him" Sherlock also stated.

"Well I think no one should be blame in here at all,  let just hope that Luke didn't do anything and also hope that Will was happy in his birthday..."  James stated as he smiled trying to cheer up everyone at the carriage.

"James its Luke he's always up to something" Louis stated with a worried face.

"Don't worry about it Louis, I'm sure Will is fine right now, he's on his room doing something urgent isn't that right Sherlock?" James replied to Louis as he looked at Sherlock.

"Uh yes, yes Liam went back to the mansion to do something very important, probably..." Sherlock stated as he clench his hand while holding a small box inside his pocket.

"So what's the bet that you've won from James?" Fred asked as he looked at Moran.

"Oh yes ha ha! About tha-" James stated but got interrupted by Moran.

"Don't you dare tell them James!" Moran stated loudly as he shushed James.

"Alright, alright I won't, your secret is safe with me Moran..." James stated as he grinned then wink at Moran.

When they finally arrived back at the mansion Albert stated that he's a bit tired then immediately went to his room to rest, Louis on the other hand went to the kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee that he'll bring to William later, as for Jack, Fred, Moran and James went back to their rooms to rest as well, while Sherlock went straight to William's room.

"Liam it's me Sherlock" the dark blue haired man knocked and stated outside William's room but got a no response "Maybe he's asleep?" Sherlock stated to himself while tightly gripping the small box inside his pocket "I don't like this, I'm having a very bad feeling."

"Liam are you there?" Sherlock ask once again.

Still no response.

"Liam, I just want to give you something before I left the mansion tonight" Sherlock stated but soon as he notice that William's room was not lock, so he decided to come inside the room.

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