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The customary analog clock hung on the only wooden wall in the bedroom of the four boys ticked away continuously, its sound completely covered up by laughter and chatting. It wasn't common for all of them to be int heir bedroom at the same time aside from sleeping, but here they were in the middle of the day during study period--the first the twins had ever paid any attention.

Rory's foot tapped against the floor quickly, his heel bouncing up and down against the stone in time with his anxious thoughts. His eyes were trained on a potions textbook, reading over the instructions on how to brew a sleeping draught one again. It was confusing, having to know the conventional way to brew the potion as well as Snape's modified instructions--he was pretty sure he wasn't even supposed to have his hands on the textbook at all.

But he was going overboard with his studying for the potions practical exam, covering material Snape hadn't even mentioned in the review, just in case he'd need it.

"I can hear you thinking from all the way over here," George leaned back in his chair, peeking around Rory's bed to look at him, "Relax a bit, would you?"

"No can do," Rory sighed, covering his eyes with his hands, "This practical exam is going to kill me."

"At least then you won't have to take the written one," Fred piped up cheerily, the sound of his chair scraping against the floor quickly replaced by the crashing sound of his face meeting the wooden floorboards.

"What'd you do that for?" Lee sneered. "Just 'cause George leans back doesn't mean you need to try."

"Shove off," was Fred's intelligent reply, and Rory once again looked down at the words swimming on the page as he heard vague sounds of things being thrown back and forth across the room.

Rory closed his eyes, struggling to focus with all the noise going on around him. He couldn't understand how the others weren't taking this as seriously as he was; he knew the twins didn't really care much about their education, but surely they wanted their mum to be proud when they gave her their report card?

"I'm going-" He stood, gathering up his books into his satchel before his mind stuttered, where was he going? "I'm...going."

"Going where?" George echoed Rory's thoughts, still looking over at the boy with barely masked concern.

"I don't know."

Some others in the common area gave him odd looks as he stormed out of Gryffindor Tower, and Rory could hear George shuffling behind him as he left. The uncomfortable feeling of wanting to be alone pulled Rory forward, not bothering to wait up for the boy as he raced down random hallways and stumbled down whichever staircase presented itself first. He looked up, vaguely realizing he was near the bridge to the fields outside Hogwarts. Could it be warm enough to sit out in the grass with his books?

He stepped out experimentally onto the grass at the end of the bridge, seeing Hagrid's hut somewhat in the distance. The air had a chill in it that reminded Rory it wasn't quite spring yet, but the sun felt warm on his skin--much warmer than he'd anticipated. It was the perfect moment to stand in the middle of the dried, grassy knoll to let the sun bake his skin for a good couple of minutes, breathing in air that smelled like dry leaves.


Turning to find the person calling him, he saw exactly who he'd expected: Maggie, in all her layered glory. Apparently he was the only one who found it pleasant outside if she looked like that, and he couldn't help but smile at her goofy appearance.

"Fancy meeting you here," he said as she walked over, backpack slung over her shoulders. "You look frigid."

"Oh, I'm alright," she laughed, "I'm on a walk, what are you doing out here?"

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