(Chapter 2) The Wierd Coincidence

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Alex's POV:
So basically this checkers board has been moving its pieces and well. It's kinda creepy not gonna lie so it's Friday already and well this stupid ghost has already beaten me in a round of checkers I feel kinda dumb now cause I just lost a whole round to a ghost. LIKE BRUHH so I hop on stream to release some stress and I'm just here streaming and vibing and then suddenly I hear a knock at my window I walk over after saying brb to chat. And open my window and them BOOM a freaking rock threw straight at my face and then I heard a shout yelling "SORRY!!" The voice said and then I realized it was Henry so I yelled back "BE DOWN IN A MIN!" So I ran over to my stream and said ima stream later chat I promise! And ended the stream ran down stairs with my favorite cat hood And yelled to my parents I'll be hanging out with my friends. So I ran out side and ran up to Niki and Henry. Henry said that some wierd stuff has been happening to him same as Niki. I then explained to them what happened with the checkers board and they were freaked! We ran up to the tree house and talked about what happened to us.
Henry's POV:
I just woke up with a very bad headache told my mum about it and she gave me some meds like normal. So I got dressed and ran outside to find a nice quiet place so I could play my flute so once I was there at my normal place and started playing. There was this girl who ran pass me so I got up and followed her cause she dropped a red bow. So I kept running and running until I ended up here it was like she just disappeared he said as he brings out a red bow.
Niki's POV:
So I was outside practicing Archery after I finished my big art project that I was working on. It looked super cool so I wanted to go touch some grass. (LITTLE SIDE NOTE BUT U ALSO NEED TO GO TOUCH GRASS LIKE RN IF UR READING THIS VERY LATE THEN STAY HYDRATED!) So I was doing Archery but then I got my bow stuck in a tree so the same girl Henry was talking about helped me get it down and I thanked her so much and she just walked away like nothing so I followed her cause I felt something was off then BOOM I hit a random tree and then the girl just started running and then I heard a song going off in the background. It was like the song you told me about Alex. It was really creepy so I decided to tell yall about it.
Alex's POV:
Yea I agree really creepy but the same thing basically happened to me except I lost to checkers with a ghost *Henry Starts laughing* HEY!! it's not that funny but it's true a random person was moving my checkers pieces it was really creepy. Sounds creepy says Niki Yup definitely said Henry Can we change the subject I'm getting goosebumps says I've the next door neighbor who quite literally appeared out of no where Can I join yalls little pity party? Said Ivy Sure I guess said the trio. She comes in the treehouse sits down pulls out a books while th others watch Alex's phone. *In the distance the girls just watching them* ALEX DINNERS READY! I heard my mum say all me and my friends say good bye but I feel like Somethings off *Alex stares at the spot where the girl was hiding but she's gone now* hmm must've been nothing he says as he enters the house he eats dinner goes up stairs and sees a note on the checkers board. The note reads out Wanna Play Again Alex? And then Alex stares at the checkers board and moves a piece and then RING RING RING that was the old telephone. Alex picks it up and says Hello? There's just slight breathing then they hang up. Alex Then goes to bed.
Thanks you for reading sorry if I haven't updated in a while I was un motivated 😅 but I'll try to post more often hopefully u have a good day/morning/afternoon Goodnight from yours truly T.S BAIIIIIII - T.S

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