Part 2: We Don't Negotiate With Terrorists

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this chapter is prone to editing, i am just doing an earlier release

"State-Sponsored Terrorism Sucks"

December 2, 542 - 11:01:40

Josef's Cafe

Zaion, Republic of Lesospian


It appears to be a normal, happy day for the Lesospians living in Zaion. The sun is shining, birds chirping, and gardens abundant in the city. A number of Lesospian civilians were dining at a restaurant, and the different aromas of the various kinds of food were very present in the room, when a man walks in. This man had a fedora, three-piece suit, and a briefcase. Several people look at him curiously, before resuming their meal. The man then walks towards a phone booth and enters it.

Shortly afterwards, the man began yelling loudly into the phone, attracting a lot of attention to himself. Nearly everyone turns their heads to look at the man save for those at the far end of the restaurant, eating. The man then yells into the phone in actual discernible words this time, with a notably Balingian accent. "WHERE ARE YOU?!"

Some people then become uncomfortable, and these people quickly finish their meals and leave money at their tables amounting to the price of their food, though most still stay inside. For the rest of the customers though, a universal atmosphere of uneasiness begins to take hold. The man, opening his briefcase, held a large enchanted bundle charge. He then pulled the pin and dashed outside the restaurant.

A massive explosion consumed the whole restaurant, which would kill everyone inside. Many nearby windows cracked or shattered, and the frame of a nearby under-construction skyscraper shook violently. As the smoke billowed out of the restaurant and into the sky, several men on the outskirts of the city drove in. 

As they were about to pass the checkpoint into the city though, a sharp-eyed guard spotted the muzzle of a machine gun sticking out of the trunk and yelled over the manacomm. "THEY HAVE MACHINE GUNS! OPEN FIRE!" The guards and the terrorists driving in then began to shoot at each other, with the terrorists having a massive advantage due to their heavy machine guns.

The battle ended soon after, and since the terrorists had eliminated the guards fast enough for them to not call in reinforcements, they had won easily. Their victory though came at the cost of their car, which was so damaged that it had no doors, and its engine was burning. This forced the terrorists to proceed on foot towards the very nearby city. 

One of them threw a grenade, which landed in the middle of three closely parked cars, which then erupted into a massively loud explosion. This caused a panic to spread through the city, and when the terrorists arrived, it only got worse.

They started unloading their heavy watercooled machine guns into everything. Buildings, cars, people, plants, animals. All of those and more were consumed by the hail of 8mm machine gun fire. When the terrorists turned to a new street, the scene repeated itself. It repeated itself over and over and over again, with hundreds being dead.

Lesospian soldiers began to arrive on the scene along with medical personnel, rescuing wounded civilians and engaging in battles with the terrorists. Lesospian semi-automatic rifles here though wound up weak when pitted against the terrorists' lead-spitting machine guns, and quite a few Lesospian soldiers were killed, with one of the terrorists dead.

A relatively high-ranking EXTF Operative named the Shadow was in the city at the time, providing ground reconnaissance along with ESP-using spies to learn more about their newfound ally, and to find staging grounds for black ops. Shadow was at the local newly built mall, not so far from the terrorists' location, before he was alerted by command of the terrorist attack happening.

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