Chapter 1

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Akihiro's POV

Today has been a very strange morning, everyone kept looking at me with huge grins on their faces. I wondered why, nobody in my family ever looked at me like that besides my brother and cousins, but before I could say anything Natsuki, my younger female cousin came towards me running, along with my older brother, Haruhisa.

"What's wrong? Why were you both running towards me, like that?" I asked simply with a neutral face.

"Father has called for you, brother." Haruhisa said out of breath.

"Yeah, and he has an even more stupider smile than usual, so be careful!!" Natsuki said while her hands were on her knees.

"Alright, thank you." I said while walking away. I wonder what that bastard of a father wants with me. He never wanted to see me before when I was little, so why now? Is it talk about being successor? If that's the case he should already know that I've been doing everything he wanted as his successor. I kept thinking until I had finally arrived to where my father was.

"I'm here as requested father. What would you like to discuss about?" I said as I was bowing towards him.

"Perfect! Your just on time to talk about your marriage!!" My father said with a sadistic grin on his face.

"Marriage??? Father what are you talking about?" I looked at him with disbelief. This can't be happening.

"I made arrangements for you to get married with a girl your age. She's actually a white kitetsuto. With her help you can have children with red or white kitetsuto and have an even better successor." He said with a huge and wide disturbing grin across his face.

"What? I won't marry someone I don't even know. You will not force me into this." I stated with an angry and determine look at my father.

"Well she's already on her way with her family whether you like it or not. She should be here by tomorrow so, I expect you to dress appropriately so, you don't make a fool of the Shimazu bushi." He said as he handed me a picture of the young girl.

(This is the photo he shows of you, except you have whatever skin, eye, and hair color

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(This is the photo he shows of you, except you have whatever skin, eye, and hair color. You also have whatever hair length you want.☺️)

"Her name is (y/n) of the (l/n) bushi." My father said before he left to go to who knows where.

She's certainly captivating but that doesn't mean I want to marry her. I should have expected this coming from father, after all he only uses me for this kind of crap. I wonder if this is why people were grinning at me earlier.

"Tomorrow is going to be a long day." I thought as I put the picture in my kimono pocket and began to turn back to walk towards my room, but when I opened the door, I saw Natsuki and Haruhisa along with my other three cousins, Tokisame, Tadayuki, and Fuyuie fall to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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