{Seven - Chaotic Chess and Boss Music}

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At first, the game was calm and steady. Angel commanded his chess pieces wherever he needed them to go, and they moved by their own accord. Sometimes Angel moved themself too, as they played the role of a pawn. The Chess Choco, meanwhile, quietly whispered to each other when it was their turn, then made a move.

All of the daycare kids sat down on the backyard steps and watched the giant chess game. No one looked away, not even for a second to see what would happen next. Well, except for Spinach who decided to get up after five minutes and go make some healthy popcorn. The tricksters even left their corners to see what was happening, but left quickly when they saw it was just chess. Strawberry Crepe stayed inside, and presumably went back to his temporary workshop.

Angel Cookie wasn't sweating it. They had taken a few of Chess Choco's pieces, and were planning on how to Check them. They moved one of their stronger pieces according to their hypothetical plan, and ignored what was going on around them. It resulted in a couple of their chess pieces getting kicked off the board. And by getting kicked off means getting thrown off violently by the opponent chess piece.

One of Angel's evicted pieces that lost to a bishop from Chess Choco's team went flying at a speed not seen before by the other cookies witnessing the scene. It rammed itself into the middle of the steps of the backyard, just where Onion and a few others were sitting only milliseconds before. They got pulled out of the way by a few other sitting next to them. Onion was one of the kids who got pulled out of the way; once she recovered from a silent shock, she turned on her waterworks and burst out in tears.

Spinach Cookie bolted outside, juggling two bowls of (obviously, healthy) popcorn.
"What happened?!" She shouted, panicky. Then she noticed the giant chess piece stuck in the middle of the now partially broken steps. The caretaker looked aghast as she noticed all of the giant chess pieces strewn across the backyard.
She looked over to the chess game, which was almost at its peak. "Popcorn, anyone?"

The kids, who were now sitting on the grass, nodded and grabbed a handful each.

Meanwhile, Angel Cookie was still moving theit chess piece towards the opponent's king stealthily. (or so they thought.) Chess Choco's whispering between themselves got quicker. They were moving seemingly random chess pieces Angel Cookie didn't see the use of. Their other pieces were all getting viciously kicked off and flying in different directions across the yard. They got stuck in places such as the trees and ground, but thankfully not where the others were spectating.

Just as they moved their chess pieces and it was Chess Choco's turn, she moved one of the 'random' ones and uttered the words "Check."

"A check, already? I don't think that's right..." Angel Cookie whispered observing the board. Then they noticed there was indeed a check. They decided not to sweat it yet, and continued. Then, the angelic cookie moved the one that was on top priority for them They were about to yell out a triumphant "Check!" when Chess Choco interrupted them.

"That's the wrong way to do it."
"That is the incorrect way to do it."


The game continued, the angelic cookie getting more panicky by the second as they heard the words "Check!" ring in their ears and saw their chess pieces flying off the board.

They tried forcing their chess pieces on the twin girls' side, but it always ended in them getting kicked off. There were only a few pieces left, and Chess Choco's whispering got quicker and their little smirks got wider. Suddenly, there was loud menacing music that increased with tempo and volume by the second.

"Wait, why do I hear boss music?!" Angel Cookie frantically looked around for the source of sound. Everyone watching was equally confused at intrigued. They went to move their chess piece when they realized their king chess piece was completely surrounded. They couldn't do anything, and their remaining chess pieces were scattered randomly across the board in no position of being able to help.

"Checkmate." Chess Choco said as one.

Then the chess board and chess pieces shrunk to their normal size, and Angel Cookie fell onto the ground. When they got up, Chess Choco were standing there, hands outstretched. "Good game." Angel Cookie reluctantly accepted it and shook each of their hands in turn.

"Now, we should just tidy this up, Pawn Black, and-"

"Now just wait a second!" It was Spinach Cookie, making a beeline towards the twins, a less-then-happy look on her face. She picked them up and took them to a naughty corner. The caretaker sighed tiredly. She looked over at the yard with half wrecked things, such as a fence or the stairs.

What a mess this day has been so far.


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