Chapter 2

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A month has passed, bakugou still sat beside kimikos bed as Giyu came over and said do you like my sister. Bakugou looked at kimiko and said I don't show emotion much but I think I do. Giyu nods and said I don't show emotion much either. Just then, kimikos hand twitched and she opened her eyes. Giyu saw his sister awake and said sis welcome back. Kimiko groans and said did we win bro. Giyu said yes sis, kanao saved tanjiro and muzan was defeated. Kimiko sighed in relief and said thats good. Deku looks at them and said who was that person you guys were fighting. Kimiko looks at him and said he was the first ever demon. Deku said I didn't think demons were real. Kimiko said demons are real or they were.

Aoi came in and saw kimiko awake and said your awake. Kimiko nods and said yea just woke up. Aoi looks over the wound and said well the wound you received and was stitched up has healed good. Bakugou said well that's good. Kimiko said does that mean the stitches comes out. Aoi said those were removed a couple of weeks after you were brought back here. Kimiko said how long was I out. Giyu said a month sis. Kimiko said oh wow.

Deku nudged bakugou and whispered you should tell her how you feel. Bakugou whispered shut it deku. Shoto whispered come on just tell her. Bakugou sighs and looks at kimiko and said kimiko I like you. Kimiko blushes as she looks at him and said I like you too. Bakugou takes her hand and kisses it and said will you come back with me when we leave. Kimiko looks at her brother then at her now Boyfriend and said I dont want to leave my brother but being apart from you would be torture. Giyu said sis I'll be fine. Bakugou said how about your brother comes with us. Kimiko said are you sure. Bakugou said I'm sure you can stay with my mom. Kimiko nods and said okay.

A couple of weeks passed and everything was back to normal and everyone was healed from the fight. Kimiko and Giyu was saying goodbye to the others as they were leaving with bakugou and the others. Tanjiro said I'm glad we got to fight together, try to visit if you guys can. Kimiko said if we can, we will visit, stay safe. Tanjiro nods and said we will. Shoto opened the portal and the five of them walked through the portal.

Kimiko looked around the new city she was in and said wow this is a big city. Bakugou chuckles and lead them to his house and said mom you here. Mitsuki said yes in the living room. Bakugou walked in the living room and said mom can two people stay here for a bit until they can get a place of their own. Mitsuki said sure who. Bakugou said this is my girlfriend kimiko and her brother. Kimiko bows and said its nice to meet you. Mitsuki said its nice to meet you too. Bakugou said can they mom. Mitsuki said sure they could use your room since you are in school. Bakugou said thanks mom and takes them to his room.

After showing kimiko and her brother his room and where everything is, bakugou kissed kimiko and said I got to get back to school. Kimiko nods and said have fun. Bakugou went back to school with deku and Shoto. Denki saw them come back and said what happened to you guys. Deku said long story. Denki said we got time. Deku said we were sent to a different world. Denki said wow how was that world. Shoto said we were there when there was a huge fight. Denki said damn. Deku and the others go to the dorms.

A week has passed since kimiko and Giyu came to the new city and they were out with mitsuki looking at the stores. Mitsuki said how you like the city. Kimiko said I like it so far. Mitsuki said good. Kimiko smiles as she looks at a store little did she know someone was watching her. Kimiko was still looking at the store when someone snuck up behind her and grabbed her knocking her out. Mitsuki and Giyu went to look for kimiko but couldn't find her. Giyu said wasnt she right here looking at this store. Mitsuki nods and said yea. Giyu sighed and looked around and said sis where are you. Mitsuki said bakugo is gonna be so mad.

Meanwhile in a room of the league of villians hideout, kimiko groans and opens her eyes trying to move her arms but couldn't and said where am I. Someone entered the room and kimiko looked at him and her eyes widened and said no thats not possible. Muzan looks at her and said oh its very possible, I'm back. Kimiko looks at him and said what do you want with me. Muzan looks at her and said you managed to survive when I attacked you, this time I won't fail to kill you. Kimiko laughs and said good luck, my boyfriend will know I'm gone and he will take care of you. Muzan said we will see about that and walks out of the room. Kimiko thought of bakugo and said oh love.

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