PT.3 Finale

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Next week Pinkie planned to bake more cupcakes, but she didn't know that it's not gonna happen.
Twilight sent a letter to Princess Celestia saying, " Dear Princess Celestia, Rainbow Dash and Applejack are missing. Can you help us find them?"
Princess Celestia saw the letter and sent some guards to find them, no trace was found. Everypony looked everywhere around Equestria, but didn't find them. Pinkie didn't notice the search cause she was in the basement preparing to get Fluttershy, she went to Fluttershy's cotage in the woods to ask if she can go to SugerCube Corner and taste her cupcakes, since Fluttershy knew about the search and knew how they both got lost when they visited Pinkie in SugerCube Corner. So she asked Twilight,Rarity, (since they're the remaining of the mane 6) and the guards to follow her without Pinkie noticing that they're there. Fluttershy followed Pinkie to the basement, Fluttershy asked, " Pinkie why is it so dark here." Pinkie replied, " I'd like to keep it dark so you won't see the suprise."
Fluttershy already knew about the suprise, so she didn't ask anymore. Once Pinkie has turned on the lights, it was revealed that the secret ingredient was ponies, since her friends and the guards followed her down, they were watching carefully, when Pinkie was about to kill Fluttershy, they all went in and put Pinkie in chains, next morning Pinkie was in prison for the murder of more than one pony. Princess Celestia put her in the Canterlot Prison, where the security was high in her prison cell. Twilight and the others found a revive spell in a book, but it doesnt tell how it works, so they went to the Everfree Forest to see Zecora to ask how it works, after that they know how it works already so they used it on the ponies that Pinkie killed. Everypony was revived and lived happy in 6 months, after 6 months, they got news that Pinkie Pie has escaped the prsion. Pinkie Pie went back to the rock farm that she was raised in. She reunited with her sisters and will come back to Ponyville in the future.

                    THE END

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