𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤

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The bell rang. Finally, the school's over. Kim Sunoo walked out of the art room. Messy hair, paint-stained fingers and cherry lips, he didn't know how adorable he looked. He was wearing a beige sweatshirt over a white collared shirt, and dark blue jeans over white sneakers. He pushed a lock of dark brown hair behind his ear. No one could see his face under his mask but there was clear nervousness in his eyes. He slowly pulled a bunch of white lilies out of his backpack-

'That person hates roses.'

- along with a letter that explained all his feelings to that person. Those feelings were unexplainable. Sunoo himself couldn't understand them. They were beautiful yet painful. He cherished them though they shattered him.

He was feeling so many things at the same time. Nervousness, excitement, doubt and lovesickness. He knew that he was a second away from seeing someone. Seeing him. And the thought of it made him feel weak in the knees. He stood outside his classroom. He just stared at the ground. His fingernails were chewed and jagged. He was tapping his feet, impatient and anxious.

Damn that bloody teacher! The bell already rang why isn't he ending the class?

'Detention for both of you!'

That was when the dance teacher, Mr Choi stomped out of the class, fuming with anger. Sunoo just assumed some bratty, spoilt kid caused some mischief and continued what he was doing before. Waiting.

'Bitch! Give it back!', said a voice. Yes, it was that same deep voice that makes Sunoo shiver. He raised his head, his lips twisting into a tiny smile. He saw him playfully fighting with Park Sunghoon over a pack of gum, with Jay following them, lost in his own conversation on the phone. Childish yet such a beautiful sight for Sunoo. That person was dressed up in black. Black ripped jeans, black combat boots, black tank top and black leather jacket. His wrists and fingers were decorated with silver rings and his blond hair was tousled and carefree, which made him look handsome and intimidating. It took Sunoo a moment to snap out of his staring session. His smile grew wider and he forgot about all his nervousness.

'You totally pissed Choi off today, dude. But his reaction after seeing the knife with red paint on it in his drawer was priceless', Heeseung grinned after he gave the gum back to him in defeat.

So you were the spoilt bratty kid, huh. I'm not surprised

Sunoo chuckled to himself.

He opened the box of gum and popped one in his mouth. The left side of his lips curled into a smirk. A sly one. 'Who's our detention supervisor?', he asked, the smirk still playing on his lips. 'I got some planning to do.'

Kim Sunoo could do nothing but feel bad for the next victim he,'s gonna trouble. And he realised, it was the time. The time to do it. He took tiny steps towards him but then, something happened. Enough to shatter him and break him to pieces. What happened, in those few seconds? Well, Kang Hwayoung, happened.

'Oppa!', said a high pitched voice. Kang Hwayoung, in a tight leather miniskirt, a tube top, long straightened black hair left open, red high heels and 10 layers of makeup. Typical fuckgirl.

That didn't break him, exactly. Niki's a real chick magnet. He's got girls drooling over him all the time. But what killed him was the response Niki gave her. He grabbed her by her waist and placed a peck on her lips.

Sunoo clenched his fists, crushing the flowers and crumbling the paper. He turned around and walked out of the school door, ignoring the friendly security guard's greetings which he didn't mean to. The driver was supposed to pick him up and drive him home but Sunoo, being lost just ran. He ran 3 miles, crying beneath the mask and breaking deep down. 'What was I thinking, huh?', he said to himself. 'Who the heck am I even kidding at this point? I was in love with him for 3 years and he's with a new slut every 2 weeks! This time it is Hwayoung, last time it was Aera and before that, I don't even know which one!' Tears were streaming down his face and the mask was soaking wet. It was an empty street and Sunoo didn't care about holding his sobs. 'I'm just not gonna pretend like I'm surprised, anymore. It's him. It's the fuckboy. It's Nishimura Riki.'


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