Chapter 4

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Best Friends:
I hear the alarm, I sigh, I hit my head with the pillow bc I really don't wanna go to summer camp, after like 7 minutes of struggling trying to leave bed, I got up and took a shower, once I got into my room I searched for some clothes to wear, I wanted to dress for my self not for other boys, so I wore black leggings, a white flowy shirt that says "Okay, but first coffee" and I straightened my hair, I didn't wear makeup a lot bc I'm going to probably swim and be sweaty, so I wore a waterproof mascara, and some liner on my top and bottom lashline/ waterline, I grabbed my converse and phone and ran downstairs to leave bc I heard a honk, it was Dylan, I hopped in the car and we went to get Starbucks, on the way to Starbucks and the camp we danced and sang along to songs like "Talking Body, Love me like you do, worth it, take me to church" and more, the camp is a few hours away, once we got there Dylan parked the car and ran out to get the door for me, "thanks but u know I could've done it my self" I said smiling, "I know I just wanna be a gentlemen bc I know u dislike me and I really wanna be more then friends like best friends" he smirked, while we were walking I kind of grabbed his hand and we held hands, he looked at me and I smiled to him, once we arrived there we stood in a line with people surrounding the coach of the camp "listen up, my name is coach Smith, I'm the guy who created this camp, here we have a ton of jobs u can train for, example we have a job for u to train if u want to be a lifeguard, or train u to be a football player, anything we've got it for u." The Coach said, both Dylan and I were separated since we all wanted different jobs, I, of course, wanted to be a professional dancer so I seek to find it until I did, I got in there and I found like 7 other students, boys and girls, I stand next to them, "hi, my name is Mrs. Katie, and I'm going to train u to become a professional dancer, we will be training 18 hours a day and 6 days a week, and in the end we will be Preforming in front of ur parents/guardians, there will be 4 solos, 2 duets and one group dance, I want all of u to introduce her/his self and tell us what type of style they're best at", I was first "Umm.. Hi my name's Amanda but all my friends call me Mandy, I'm 14 years old, and uh I'm best at lyrical and tap" I smiled in the end, after we all introduced our selves and Mrs. Katie wrote down what we said, she told us to go stretch, I walked over to the bars to do some stretches, a girl comes up to me and says "hi, ur Mandy right?" "Yeah" I replied, "my name is Karisma, I'm 14 years old as well" she said with a smile, "well hi Karisma" I told her, she started asking me these random questions so she could get to know me better I thought, "what's ur favorite restaurant?" "Oh defiantly Chipotle and In n Out", after some questions, I asked her some, turns out we've got a lot of stuff in common, "since we have a lot in common, do u maybe, possibly wanna be best friends?" She said, I looked at her but b4 I spoke she said "if u uh don't wanna I'm cool with that", "no no u just didn't give me a chance to tell u yeah we could be!" I told her, "Really! Yay thanks! And sorry about that I didn't let u to answer" "it's fine" I giggled, I grabbed her hand and we went back to the center of the classroom bc Mrs.Katie wanted to tell us something, we smiled at each other "Okay Class so I've chose who to do solos and who to do duets, Mandy u have a duet with, Karisma" we hugged each other tightly, "and ur duet is a contemporary entitled Wishbone" Karisma and I were super happy! We both went back to stretching while Mrs. Katie gave out the rest of the solos and duets, Karisma and I were first to rehearse, "Okay so I want Mandy to come out first, walk slowly and nice with ur arms behind ur back, do a side aerial and sit on ur knees, on knee up and the other down and do whatever with ur hands" I did what she told me, "Karisma, first can I call u risma" she asked giggling "sure yeah" Karisma said, "okay Risma I want u to walk in the same way Mandy did, but instead of sitting down I want u to grab her arm to get her up, okay? Simple?" "Yeah sure that's easy" she did what she was told to do.

*After the rehearsals were done (AU: even the others)*

Risma and I left the studio so we can go look for Dylan, while we were going to the swimming classes, we found Dylan, and it was time for dinner, we had to eat pizza from dominos 🙌, "so are u and Dylan dating?" Risma asked curiously while we were eating, "no no we're just best friends now" I said, after dinner to end the night we decided to sit by the beach and watch the beautiful sunset and the waves, then we all went to bed and I was totally prepared for what day 2 has coming for me!

Hey guys I'm so sorry for the delay I have been working on this chapter all week and I finally finished it xoxo hope u enjoyed!

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