My Arm Hurts

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(Alicia Silverstone as Jamie Germaine)


Guy, Adam and I all ended up hanging out. We went to Guy's house since neither Charlie, nor Adam's dad like Adam, or me and Guy. We walked in and I saw Guy's older sister, Jamie sitting at the table. 

"Hey, Guy, Adam, Nat." She smiled. "How's Aidan?"

Guy rolled his eyes. Jamie liked Aidan a lot and it drove Guy crazy. 

"He's good." Adam said. "He was asking about you."

"Was he?"

"Yes," Guy said annoyed. "Now leave us alone! Why don't you call him?"

"Come on Guy!" Jamie called.

Her brother ignored her and quickly stomped upstairs. I laughed as I made my way upstairs. I watched as Guy sat on his bed grumbling.

"She's always so gross and embarrassing." He mumbled.

"Its fine." Adam said. "Aidan's the same exact way about Jamie."

Guy took off his hat, and coat and set it down on the chair in his room. Guy groaned in pain as he layed on his bed.

"What's wrong Guy?" Adam asked.

"My arm hurts." He responded.

"Wonder why."

Guy threw me a dirty look.

"This is why I don't play hockey."

"Figure skating isn't much better!" Adam told me.

"Well its better then skating around with a stick." I said.

We all started laughing and arguing playfully for the rest of the night.

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