Paran Jangmi

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It's a beautiful fine day. Birds are flying up in the sky, flowers are blooming, pets are being fed by their owners, people flooding the streets - some are off to work, some are doing groceries while some are just enjoying the morning breeze. Every single soul in Seoul are up and about except for one who is still comfortably snuggled in his duvet.

This one is still up late at night playing his favorite game, Starcraft - clicking madly on his PC's mouse and keyboard - so it's a common scenario to see him still laying on his bed.

"Kyuhyun-a!" Suddenly, a knocking sound and someone calling the still sleeping man is heard but the said man didn't budge.

"Kyuhyun-a!" The knocking and calling become louder causing the sleeping to steer.

"Yah, Cho Kyuhyun, open this door!" This time, the man who's in the opposite side of the door shouts as he banged the door

Kyuhyun abruptly stand up and half-walk half-trip towards the door.

"Ah, Eunhyuk hyung, wae, you're disturbing my sleep!" He exclaimed as soon as he opened the door

/*hyung = honorific used by men to address their older brother/cousin/friend/colleague*/

/*wae = why*/

"You're up playing late again, don't you have any schedules today?" Eunhyuk asked as he narrows his eyes towards the younger

"Gosh, hyung, you wake me up and almost break my door just to ask me that!" Kyuhyun exclaimed, clutching his head

"Just answer the question, Kyu."

"Ugh, I don't have any this early, just later in the afternoon, satisfied?" Came the latter's reply and the older nods his head

"So, is that it, nothing else? If none, let me go back to my comfy bed and into dreamland." Kyuhyun didn't let the other answer as he close the door and flop his body, face first on the bed and drifting back to sleep.


Kyuhyun stepped out of their dorm. He made sure to lock the doors - electronic pad is broke so it is locked in the old fashioned way for the meantime. After making sure it is securely locked, he turned towards the stairs but before he can take a step, he saw a small black box laying on the floor opposite the door. He looked around to see if someone is around but he found no one.

He carefully approach it and there on it's lid is a blue note with his name written, in bold letters, on it. Curious, he lift the box up and opened it. Inside nestled a stem of Blue Rose. Huh, whom does this came from? He asked himself. He checked the lid again but only the note is there. He checked the inside of the box, the sides and even under but no indication of the sender. Maybe, from Eunhyuk hyung? But no, if it's from him, he should've left it inside. He immediately dismiss the thought.

Just then, he feel his phone vibrate so he took it out from his pocket. The second he saw his manager's message, he quickly unlock the dorm's door and hastily puts the box inside before deliberately locking it again. I'll deal with it later. He noted to himself as he made his way out and to the waiting van.


Schedule for today is finished, at last. Kyuhyun jabbed his key into the key hole, then he twisted the knob to open the door and took back his key. He closed the door shut behind him after he went inside. He saw his hyung's shoes there but the dorm is quiet and no sign of the latter. He's fast asleep, I guess.

He sit himself on the floor so he can comfortably took off his shoes. Whilst doing so, there's something at the back of his mind saying something he needed to do but he can't remember. He looked around, trying to get a clue but to no avail. Maybe I'll remember once I take a shower to clear my mind. So he did exactly that.

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