party party yeah~

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"wait jisung!" Felix followed jisung as jisung opened the door and went outside

"Where do you think you are going?" Felix asked holding jisungs hand to stop him from going

"L-let me g-go" jisung said loosening his hand from felix grip who wasn't planning on making jisung leave like this

"Talk with me jisung and it's late outside you wouldn't find any cab at this hour" Felix said

Jisung shook his head as he wiped his tears with one hand, still sobbing lightly "I need to go, I'll find something" he said

"Stop being stubborn and listen to me" Felix said this time pulling jisung close to him and closing the door so they could talk privately, outside

Jisung didn't say anything just standing in front of felix looking at the floor, his tears couldn't seem to stop any moment
"Look at me" Felix said bringing jisungs head to look at him

"It hurts right?" He asked "when you love someone and they couldn't love you back but you are still happy to be close to them as much as you can?" He said jisung looked at him with wide eyes but slowly nodded

"I'm in the same boat. I know how much it hurts but you can talk to him you know? I think it won't end here you should talk to him tell him, it will be okay" Felix reassured him

"H-how did you know?" Jisung asked

"I saw you looking at him and smiling to yourself, is this is not crush then I don't know what it is, maybe Love?"

Jisung blushed a little "i-i guess" "but it hurts ... After having it with him and he considers it like It'd be always like this, it's not it's different for me, it should be special"

"I know that's why I'm telling you talk with him"


"Cool now talk to him it'll be okay" he said and jisung nodded muttering a quiet thanks but Felix found it too cute. Felix held his hand and they went inside


"What was that?" Hyunjin asked when felix closed the door to talk with jisung

"What? He needs to go home" Minho replied but it came out bitterly, he raised his brows at hyunjin

"And you don't care it's fucking night and he might wait in cold weather and maybe won't get any cab at this hour?"

"Why would I care?"

Hyunjin scoffed "why you say huh?" He said "don't act like you don't care for him I saw you glancing at him every minute, and when he said he was leaving now your face betrayed you, common minho" hyunjin said lastly frustrated

"So what I do!" Minho yelled

"You know that he likes you too right? How you said it probably hurt him"

"I know, I know why do you think I always keep him around me?" Minho whispered, tugging on his hairs as he closed his eyes  "I know the damn thing! But you know how my past relationships were, that all made me miserable, I don't want to get in any relationship"

Hyunjin sighed and rubbed minhos sidearm for comfort, he knows every minhos last relationships which weren't any good just gave him pain and nothing more

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