....for so long

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Gossip started all around the building. But hyunjin wasn't looking affected at all. He was with his manager, Kim seungmin, his secretary with him jeongin and other high level members of the company. That news spread on the internet very fastly and his phone was blowing with notifications. His mom called him but he told her to wait for his explanation.

They were throwing a party for workers in the building hall which is on the top level 28th floor, just after the conference. There are drinks, food etc.  All the workers were present. Hyunjin could hear some workers gossip around him but he won't mind.

His father asked him to have a talk but he denied it and his father couldn't do anything at that. Even tho he was angry at hyunjin for doing so without telling his parents, was felix even knew about this? Well he didn't see Felix at all in the party hall

Felix knew about the news, his colleagues won't stop talking about it. He cried in the office when he heard about it and excuse himself as he was using the washroom but he was just crying his eyes out. It's hurting him, it pains a lot. But he can't do anything now. Did he regret saying that? Yes he did but he knew it's for better. Hyunjin will find someone and will move on from him but if they would get married all will laugh at them, mostly at Felix. He didn't gain enough faith in himself that he could stand beside Hwang hyunjin. And he thinks it's the best.

Though, it would be a hell ride for him to move on from hyunjin but he has to. Even tho he was in love with him for so long it doesn't matter. He was afraid of everyones view on him. He wasn't a fan of attention either

He came back after washing his face, his shirt was wet as how much he cried. But nevertheless he came out.

"Let's go all are enjoying the party" soobin said cheerfully

"You just wanna meet your boyfriend" sooha scoffed

"He is not my boyfriend" soobin replied with now forming a blush on his face

"Why the fuck you lying, omg stop fuckin lying" jeno sang it rolling his at soobin who hit him on his shoulder

"Can we go, I want to drink" yuta said going ahead of them

"Felix, you are coming?" Allen asked noticing Felix who had just come back

"N-no I mean yes but I'll be late" Felix told them

"Are you sick? you don't look good" Jake asked tilting his face looking at Felix

"Yeah I have a little headache, I'll rest for some time then I'll join you" he told smiling even tho he felt like crying again

They nodded and left waving at him

( ╹▽╹ )

"They were good today what suddenly happened?" Seungmin muttered looking at hyunjin who tried hard to smile but seungmin knew how much it's hurting him. Jeongin was aware of that too. He heard what seungmin said. He looked at him "when I called hyunjin hyung for conference, they were having some argument and by hyunjin hyungs reaction I don't think it was good" jeongin told

Seungmin frowned "they were having an argument?"

"Seems like it, why would hyunjin hyung cancel it out of nowhere? It doesn't make any sense we all know" jeongin told, he looked around but couldn't find the boy he was looking for

"I can't see him break, his dumb mind will fuck up again" seungmin said looking at hyunin

"What are you gonna do hyung?"

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