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Madison POV

Have you ever felt alone even when you're surrounded by people? Feeling as if the world is against you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Back home, my presence meant nothing; my parents never acknowledged me. I'm merely a ghost who happens to live with them. I never understood why they did what they did when I was younger.

And I still don't.

I tried everything I could to gain their attention, from getting good grades to causing trouble but nothing ever work. I often cry myself to sleep at night hoping and praying that they will realize that they have been neglecting their only child and finally care when I open my eyes again in the morning. To love me like they're meant to.

But they never come true

Soon after, I decided to not let it affect me anymore. I started spending all my time in my room, studying to maintain my grades to get into a college far from here and only coming out for food.

To think that they'll leave me alone, but it's all just wishful thinking. Every once in a while, they'll start a fuss and call upon a family meeting that involved them shouting and accusing me of shit.

As of now, the three of us are sitting in the dining room having that said family meeting. Totally what I needed right now, as if dealing with Nate isn't enough.

"You stopped spending time with us Madison, what happened? Are we not worth your time anymore?" dad started, his brows furrowed in what seemed like a concerned face, but I know not to believe it. The last time I allow myself to have a glimmer of hope, it blew up in my face.

Looking at both of them, I couldn't help the anger boiling inside me just at the sight of their pained expression. I couldn't believe that they dare to act as if I am the one who ruined this family. Last time I checked, to achieve that, we have to be a family, to begin with.

What a fucking joke.

"We've never once spent time together before," I replied nonchalantly, rolling my eye in the process.

"We did!" he gritted out.

"Maybe in your dreams, father. Because as long as I remembered, you two were never there for me. I grew up on my own." I seethed, glaring at them, " And I hated it, I don't understand why my parent treat me like I don't exist. And then I'll lay awake at night wondering what I did wrong."

Taking a deep breath, I willed myself not to cry but a tear slipped out. "Why do you not love me?" I whispered.

Lifting my head, I was greeted by the sight of both my parents with their mouths agape, shock written across their faces. This isn't the first time we have had this conversation, but it is the first time I have answered them. In the past, all I did was stay silent while hoping that this conversation will end soon.

But everyone has their limit.

"I tried so hard to gain even a little bit of your attention," I muttered defeated, the fighting me long gone.

"I didn't know." mother chokes out, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"How would you know?" I couldn't help the humorless laugh that escapes, "You wanted to know why I never spend time with you, I'll tell you why. Because you never acknowledged my presence and as the saying goes: if they don't appreciate your presence, make them appreciate your absence."

"I simply comply with that." I shrugged before standing up and heading towards the door. My father speaks up before I could open it.

"Where do you think you're going?" he demanded, his voice holding regret and guilt that he tried to cover up but failed.

"Out." came my one-word answer

"But it's already so late." This time it was my mom who spoke.

"Since when do you care? You never did. So why start now? " I stated emotionlessly before opening the door and walking out of the house.


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