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A young girl, around the age of 8 or 9, is seen running into a bedroom, most likely her parents' bedroom. The girl seemed to be looking for something. She had marron hair that went down to her shoulders and covered both of her eyes, making them hard to see. She was wearing a light green and white dress.

"Looking for this?" A voice, belonging to a boy the same age as the girl, said from the doorway.

The girl turned toward the voice and saw he was holding a book in his hand. The boy with wear a dark red and black hooded cloak that covered his hair, making it so no one could see it. The boy had forest green eyes, a mischievous glint visible in them.

"How did you get that!?" She exclaimed and ran over to him, turning to grab it.

He held the book behind himself, blocking the door. "Why do you want it, Macie?" He asked, a small smirk present on his face.

"Doesn't matter! Give it Peter!" Macie demanded, reaching for the book.

"I'm the older twin, I want to know what's so special about the book!" Peter said, still trying to keep the book from Macie.

"Fine!! I'll tell you," She said, crossing her arms and glaring at her brother. "But I'm still taller."

He listened, holding the book closer. "I'm listening."

"Okay..." She said as she took a deep breath. "Sotodayatschool,oneofmyfriendsaskedhowmamaanddaddymet,butIdon'tknowhowtheymeetsoIwantedtofindsomethingwouldtellmeand-"

"Woah! Calm down, Word-A-Seconder!" He said as he interrupted, laughing. "Now tell me what happened."

"At school, some kids near Nikko and I were talking about how their parents meet each other..." Macie said, looking down at her feet.

"And?" Peter said, raising an eyebrow.

"And Nikko, being Nikko, asked how our parents meet," She said as she messed around with her dress.

He looked at the book before looking back at Macie. "But you don't know so you were looking for mother's diary?" He asked.

"Mhm...." She responded, looking back at Peter. "May I have to book?"

"Yeah," Peter said as he held out the book to Macie. "Here, Ma-"

As he was about to finish the sentence, a girl a few years older than the two, most likely around 10 or 11, interrupted and said, "And what exactly are you two doing?" The girl had long brown hair, which was tied up in a ponytail, and blue eyes. The girl was wearing a pink dress with a green bow.

A boy stepped out from behind the new girl, looking around the same age as Macie and Peter. "Yeah! Whatchu you two doing?" He asked, looking at the two. The boy had messy blonde hair and heterochromia eyes that were brown and green, he also had a field of freckles. He was wearing an orange turtleneck and jeans.

Both Peter and Macie jumped and turned toward the new person.

"Seria!! Nikko!! What are you doing here?!" Both Peter and Macie said at the same time, clearly a little spooked.

"My parents and Seria's parents are talking with your parents downstairs," Nikko said, smiling like a goofball.

"And isn't that your mother's diary?" Seria asked, swiping the book away from Peter.

"Hey! Give the back!" Peter said, trying to get the book back.

"Relax, I can tell there's a spell on the book, I'll figure out what the spell is on it," Seria said, looking at Peter.

Peter looked at his sister before looking back at Peter, nodding hesitantly.

Without warning, Seria threw the book up and raised her hands pointing them at the book. "Cyrstal Revellius!" She yelled, a pink "magic circle" with a pink star in the middle forming at her hand, directed at the book. A beam of pink light shot out of the circle and hit the book, revealing a crystal in the center of the book.

"Woah!" Nikko said, amazed. "I wish I could do that!"

The beam started to disappear and the book started to fall, so Peter grabbed the book. "That looked like a projection crystal, right?" He asked, looking at Seria and Macie, as he flipped to a page in the middle of the book.

A crystal that the spell revealed existed was fell on the ground. The crystal seemed to be a deep red.

All of the group looked down at the crystal, eyes widening.

Macie crouched down. "I've never seen a crystal that color before..." She said, picking up the crystal to get a better look at it.

The crystal started to glow when Macie touched it, and when she tried to drop it, it was as if she couldn't let go. "Um.. guys!?" Macie said, starting to panic.

Peter tried grabbing the crystal, but he couldn't get it out of Macie's hand either or let go of it himself.

Seria tried grabbing Peter's hand to try and help him pull the crystal out, but Peter's hand and the crystal wouldn't move.

Nikko placed his hands on Macie's shoulders, trying to calm her down.

The light seemed to burn brighter and brighter as the book started to shake. "Guys!?" Nikko said, looking away.

Macie and Peter closed their eyes tightly, while Seria covered her eyes with her other hand to shield them from the light.

"Kids? Is something wrong up there?" A voice called out from downstairs.

"Mom!! Help! We found this red crystal and-" Nikko cried out, but before he could finish, the book flipped to the first page and sucked the four in.

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