Chapter 12

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Walking into school side by side, there was an obvious tension that neither of them wanted to discuss. Approaching Angela and Pete, they smiled cheery towards them smirking at the idea of Shawn and Addie being best buddies all of a sudden. However, as soon as they drew nearer there was something clearly off. Sharing a scared glance at what was about to happen they greeted each other when Shawn and Addie had reached the locker, "morning guys?"

"Morning," they both responded following after the other, with a sigh and tension to their voice.

"What's happened?" Angela felt like that she was walking on egg shells with them. What could have possibly happened in the space of one car journey? "Nothing. Just ready to start the day, but I mean it's school so forgive me if I don't seem overjoyed," Addie was definitely not overjoyed but school wasn't the reason. They all just joined together to make a start on the walk to their first class. Angela and Addie both had a free period which they were quite pleased with however, Shawn and Pete had lessons.

As soon as it was time for them to split their ways, "I'll see you after your second class at break yeah?"

"Yeah, sure," Addie replied to Shawn.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"I'm ok just one of those days." She walked away letting go of the hand he clasped to make sure she wouldn't run away. Maybe he could get something out of her later when they had their first tutoring session together. He walked away chasing up to Pete. "Hey Pete!" And Pete swerved round to see Shawn catching up to him.

"What's up?" Pete wondered. Shawn was sightly hesitant when it came to this. "It's about Addie, do you know what's going on with her?"

"Well, what happened between you two in the car?"

"I don't know," Shawn was confused. Yes, there was tension but to be honest he was just as clueless as Pete and Angela were. "Well, I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened?"

Shawn nodded and tried to think back as they continued to walk down the corridor at a slow pace mirroring the working thoughts Shawn had, "Ok, well I got her breakfast everything was great, we agreed we were going to sit together at lunch and we had tutoring after today," he continued to think some more, "then we got in the car listening to some music. We had a joke about my song choice but she wasn't mad about it just teased me about it."

"Yeah, Addie is quite care free she will easily take a joke so it won't be that."

"Well, nothing else happened," Shawn said confused.

"Something must have..." Pete stopped looking at Shawn as if he was grilling the answer out of him.

"All I think of is that, oh yeah. Tina left me a text which read out on my car she seemed to tense up after that. But it was nothing that concerned or should bother her."

"What was the message?"

"Tina said she wanted to hook up again after last night well early morning," he replied casually as if it was no big deal because this was his norm. Pete gave him the most idiotic look ever, literally that told Shawn straight, how much of an idiot was he? "What?" Shawn was not catching onto any of this.

"Wow, you're really that slow," Pete blurted out crossing his arms, he was becoming a little protective over Addie right now and quite rightly so if this was how Shawn was going to treat her. "You think Addie wasn't bothered at the fact that like a day after you took her virginity that you slept with a girl that just doesn't mean anything to you making Addie seem like another score on your sex chart?" It hit Shawn like a brick. "Oh my god, you're right."

"I know. How could you do that to her?" Pete was disappointed. He understood Shawn of course, he was single, he could have his sex life, but at least be a little more sensitive when it came to the girls he was with or more specifically Addie which was who Pete was worried about. "Look I get Addie may have not been the start of something but it really meant something to her, She's not one to go sleeping around. She is someone who would sleep with a guy only if she had feelings for him."

"Feelings?" Shawn started to back away.

"No, I mean, wait," Pete was panicking. He has really dropped himself in it now, " Shawn come back!" Shawn was gone.

What had he done?

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