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Rin wasn't dumb.

Well, not as dumb as people make him out to be. He was a bit oblivious to his surroundings but if he found something he didn't know about he would try to find out as much as he could and then figure out how to deal with the new information.

That is to say, he wouldn't be the smartest in the room but he could adapt unnaturally well and fast.

He knew how to live as a normal human before: He'd went to kindergarten, school, etc. (experienced what every human did at least once - peer pressure/bullying) and tried finding a job.
He had also gotten into fights, as he was a bit temperamental. Especially when it concerned his family. And he had a habit to get caught up in his emotions, in a situation. Which often makes him seem like he's at fault or like a fool to bystanders, which would worsen the bullying as an act to keep him in line of an untouchable hierarchy - he set new records by toeing that line more often than what even bullies would consider normal, healthy or sane. He was... overly emotional.

-But after that whole ordeal with fucking Satan(!) on his birthday?

He felt like the life he had built up until then amounted to nothing, meant nothing as it was a lie.
It felt like the rug was pulled from under him with a simple pull.
He lived a lie his family - tze family he had only ever wanted to protect - had put him in.

Because they believed that they couldn't trust him with the truth. The truth of his very birth, his existence being not his own.
It was due to their neglect to be honest with him. (How hard was that? Was it his fault they were in this situation? Going by common morals he heard about in school and other responses he would be the victim of neglect - he didn't want to dig into all the abuse he received by not being told Why-?!). It was because of their secrecy that he always felt and was looked at as nothing more than a delinquent with anger issues who wasn't that good in school.
It truly made him feel lonely and left out, like he had no one who would put their trust in him when in reality he wanted a friend. That's all he ever wanted, really. Someone that wouldn't call him names and understand him, if even a little, who would stick around.

So how was he supposed to react when he found out he was all of humanity's enemy? He despaired. No one could understand how that felt like. Like all the abuse he received was suddenly validated and ok - it might be selfish but he felt it wasn't justified for him.
But no one ever tried to, would try to put themselves in his shoes for he was a puppet who didn't know what show they were getting into. What would become of his role...

Which is why he decided to continue playing the dumb idiot who couldn't see past a person's facade (Exorcists didn't even try to hide their dislike or hostility) yet held a carefully crafted facade to his surroundings with success. Especially to his twin, who had known the truth all his life, all their life - because they were the same, sons of Satan -, yet the one who was the most human of them, who had pointed a gun at him, blamed him, and didn't have a sudden death threat.

But another individual he'd met soon after his old man's funeral had his apprehension: Mephisto Pheles. Who could honestly say they trusted such a sketchy character with their life?
The man had even said he came to kill him...

But Rin could tell. He could tell as much as he could tell with an adults request for him.

That wasn't the man's intention.

He had laid out options for him, a choice. The fact that he didn't just let the men behind him try to kill him, who needed to die, had no 'defense' besides murder or suicide and gave him a chance to say his last words meant that he had plans for him.

He gave him time. Rin also figured the man wasn't human.

How he knows? The man had shown fangs when he spoke and sharp ears like his own peeked through his hair, he also held an odd aura.. or authority to him. It was as obvious as his intentions were unclear. It felt like he was watching a chess piece instead of seeing Rin.

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