Wet Dreams

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Violet had been attempting to forget her failed morning with Harry for about fifteen minutes when she heard her doorknob turn. She looked up from her page only to lock eyes with Harry. When she saw the coffee and pastry bag he was holding, her feeling of embarrassment was replaced with butterflies. He hadn't left her after all.

"Good morning sleepy girl," Harry teased as he approached the bed. He loved the sight of her all bundled up beneath her duvet. Book in hand, hair tangled, eyes heavy – Violet looked extraordinary.

"Good morning," she greeted him.

"I brought you breakfast," he said and handed her the coffee and pastry. Violet took the food sheepishly, placing it on her nightstand and turned her attention back to Harry. He took his winter coat off and sat at the end of her bed, just beneath her feet . He wanted to climb into bed with her, but he wasn't sure about her boundaries and he wanted to be careful to not cross any lines. The last thing he wanted was for her to be uncomfortable. She was being much quieter than he was used to. It made him think something was wrong. Before he could even ask, Violet chimed in.

"I thought you left for good," she shyly admitted.

"Vi," Harry chuckled as he placed his hand on her knee, squeezing lightly over the duvet, "of course not. Just needed to make some work calls. Promise."

"Glad to hear it. I thought I had scared you away with the late night snuggling," she confessed.

"Definitely not," he assured her. The truth was that Harry had barely slept. He wanted to relish the feeling of her bare skin on his for as long as he could. Just the thought of her chest rising and falling against him as she breathed in and out would keep him awake for ages. She had only just come back into his life, but he was already addicted.

Last night he'd felt like the universe was throwing him a bone. What are the odds that she would be at the GQ event all these years later? He just couldn't believe his luck. However after his call with Ben this morning, he couldn't help but be filled with dread. The studio producing his movie wanted to place Harry into a PR relationship with his co-star Tara Knight. This was a common practice in Hollywood, but Harry had yet to experience it. If Ben had told him about this last night he wouldn't have had a problem with it. Now that he'd reconnected with Violet, everything was different. He was intent on pursuing her and didn't want anything to get in the way.

Besides, he wasn't the biggest fan of Tara. She was nice enough, but she tended to make him a bit uncomfortable. It was safe to say that she wanted to be more than friends. It had worked in their favor while filming, but Harry was eager to distance himself from her after production wrapped. He had no intention of spending any real quality time with her. He just wasn't interested.

Harry tried to push all of those thoughts out of his mind. He wanted to be able to fully take in these moments with Violet.

"How were your work calls?" she asked, pulling Harry out of his thoughts.

"Fine," he fibbed, "just work, y'know? Nothing special."

"Mm," Violet hummed as she took a sip of her coffee, "thanks for breakfast, by the way." Harry had only been back in her life for a few hours but he was already making her feel special. It had been a long time since a boy had brought her breakfast in bed. Come to think of it, Harry might have been the last one to do it. When they were in high school he had made a habit of bringing her breakfast in the morning. Her ex, James, had never been one for romantic gestures.

"My pleasure," Harry responded with a grin.

"So how long do I have you before you're whisked away to stardom again?"

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