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In her head, Violet was already rehearsing her answers to James's questions. Why did you break up with me? My heart wasn't in it anymore. What can I do to fix things? Nothing, you didn't do anything wrong. Why won't you talk to me? We're literally talking right now.

James was nothing if not predictable and Violet was starting to appreciate that about him. There are few traits more desirable than predictability when it comes to an ex. When they were dating, she'd often wished he was more exciting – more spontaneous. She got tired of having the same conversations day in and day out. In some cruel twist of fate, she was now beginning to long for at least a smidge of predictability when it came to her new relationship with Harry. She never knew when she'd see him next and that wasn't something she loved.

James was a good person, truly. Ever since the breakup, it was hard for Violet to speak with him because all she wanted to do was make him feel better. Each time they spoke she could see a deep sadness in his eyes, hear confusion in his voice. He didn't deserve to be hung up on a girl who couldn't find it in herself to love him anymore. She wished he could get that through his head.

"All good, Vi?" Nora asked from across the table. Violet had been quiet for a few minutes now, likely staring off into the distance as her mind ran over and over her relationship with James. He was perfect on paper – the kind of guy that you wanted things to work out with. Kind, successful, nurturing, incredibly handsome.

"Yeah, I'm great," she replied as she took a sip of her red wine. It wasn't a lie. Despite the impending arrival of her ex boyfriend, Violet did feel great. She was happy to be out with her friends. It had been a while since she'd done something in public, been able to be around a crowd. It was funny that the ability to be anonymous was taken so much for granted. She would give anything to be anonymous with Harry.

Josie was about to say something before her attention was caught by someone behind Violet's shoulder. Her eyes lit up and she scurried forward, brushing past Violet.

"Mateo!" she squealed, jumping into his arms and burying her face in his neck.

"Hey, babe," Mateo chuckled as he squeezed her tight.

Ugh, Violet thought as she finished off her glass of wine, the honeymoon phase is only cute when you're the one in it.

She was happy for Josie, she really was. In fact, Violet was the one who had wanted Mateo and Josie to get together in the first place. What's better than your best friend dating your boyfriend's best friend? She wished that she could go back in time and slap some sense into her past self. Now, she'd likely have to see James anytime she went out with her friends.

Speaking of James, he had walked in just behind Mateo and he only had one thing on his mind tonight – winning Violet back. To be fair, this had pretty much been the only thought on his mind since she dumped him. It was completely out of the blue. He thought everything was going well – better than well, even – he thought things were perfect. The two never fought and they were happy together. At least, he thought they were happy. James would never admit this now, but he'd purchased an engagement ring just a week before Violet ended things.

He took a sip of his water – he was planning to keep a level head tonight – before making his way to the table. He mumbled some niceties to Nora and they chatted until she turned her attention to Adam, her new office romance. He took this as an opportunity to speak to Violet.

"Hey," he said with a small grin.

"Hi," she responded, barely meeting his eyes at all.

"You look beautiful tonight," he complimented sincerely.

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