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"I hope so.." I said looking up at Brad.

"It will be...as long as we've got each other we'll be okay, and the boys aren't going anywhere, and I'm pretty sure Eve isn't either, I mean, why would she? Right?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah exactly," I replied smiling, trying to force myself to dismiss the feeling I had inside me. If Brad thought everything was normal, I should to. "Well I'm going to go get ready for our little date then curly," I said, laughing.

"Little date?" Brad exclaimed as if he was insulted. "I'm sorry am I not a big deal to you anymore? egh...people these days!" We both burst out laughing together at the stupidness of what Brad had just said and we both made our way into our rooms.

I quickly jumped into the shower and allowed the warm water to wash away all of the anticpation I had about what was happening with Eve; after all she was probably just on the phone to her parents or something, or a relative she hadn't heard from for a while. I then got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me, and wrapped my hair in a towel as well. I walked over to my wardrobe and started flicking through the clothes, trying to find something to wear. I decided I'd wear a different dress this time, and I eventually picked out a dress with a white 'vest like' upper with a black leather 'skater skirt' like bottom, and I decided to wear my nude heels, and black statement necklace. I clicked on my phone and I saw that it was 4:30 so I took my hair out of the towel, and blow dried it, and then straightened it. Once my hair was done I applied some concealer, foundation, powder, mascara and blusher with a light pink lip stick and when I decided I was happy with my make up I slid into my dress, and put on my black statement necklace, tucking in my silver cross necklace. I slipped on my shoes and walked back into the living room to wait for Brad.

"Well someones dressed up!!!" Said Eve as I walked out.

"Hehe," I giggled. "What do you think?" I asked.

"You look incredible..." I spun around to be greeted by Brad standing behind me. He was wearing a grey, slightly baggy t-shirt, with his leather jacket and black jeans.

"So do you!" I replied as I saw him.

"Awwww," Said Eve "you guys are so cute,"

"You're cute," James whispered as he pulled her onto his lap, and I saw the blood rush to her cheeks.

"Have a good time guys!" Said Con, as Brad grabbed his car keys.

"Thanks Con," Said Brad. "We'll see you guys later,"

"Have fun with the lovebirds!!" I shouted jockingly as Brad and I left. We walked hand in hand outside, and got into Brads car as he put the keys into the ignition.

"So," I began, "Lessons start tomorrow...that should be fun...not" I said giggling a little.

"You worried about them?" Asked Brad.

"Not really, I'm more worried about how the hell I'm going to get up in the morning!" I replied as we both laughed. "You?"

"To be honest...yeah I am a bit." He replied. For some reason that shocked me. I guess I'd only truly seen the most confident, brave side of Brad over the past few days, and I'd caught only a glimpse of the worried, anxious side of him.

"You are?" I asked. "Why?" I said putting my hand on his, intwining his fingers with mine, and pulling his hand onto my lap, as Brad took a deep breath.

"I don't know really, I mean, I guess I just want to do well you know? And not have people take the piss out of me when I do."

"Brad what are you talking about?" I asked, growing almost protective now.

All I Want To Be, Is Somebody To You...A Bradley Simpson FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now