The start of everything

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"Hello, I'm Zoe I'm 14 and my life is pretty fucked up:) I take depression and anxiety pills, I have 4 close friends."
That was what u thought would be the intro to a movie if you had the head role, anyway back to reality. U were sitting on the bus, on the way to school while listening to one day by love joy. It has been like this every morning for months now, just u and ur music against the world were no one could ever hurt u. But today was different than the other months that has been flying by like rockets in the sky.
The bus stopped. That was weird u thought to yourself, the bus never stops here?. U look up and this dude walks in the bus, he's about ur age, has dark fluffy hair an oversized sweater and some grey sweatpants on. He walks toward the back of the bus we're ur sitting. He sits 3 sets away, he's looking at his phone when he all of a sudden looks at u. U guys lock eyes for about 5 long seconds when u quickly look away again. "Damn he's pretty.." u thought to yourself while looking out the window.
A few minutes later u realize that ur almost at school, when u get to the school, u get up and was gonna walk out the bus door like normally. But the bus door didn't open so everyone was pretty much just standing up in the bus, so everyone was really close to each other. U look back to see who was standing behind u. It was that dude. He was standing pretty close to u. Then all of a sudden the doors opened and everyone started to walk out of the bus like normal. When u got out the dude walked up to u " hey, do u know where the eight graders class is?" He asked "fuck. He's the new dude named Leo that has to start today. Shit I forgot" u thought to yourself. " yeah ofc, it's my class" u answered him "just follow me", "thanks:)" he answered back to u.
U guys were just walking down the hallway, as u stop and point to the door beside u. " Here it is:)" u said while taking off ur jacket. U walked inside of the classroom with Leo right behind u, everyone was staring at u and Leo like u just came from outer space. "Finally ur here" said ur teacher "u will be sitting next to Zoe" she said as she pointed over to u. Leo looked at u and smiled, u smiled back.

The bell rang. Witch means that the period has started. "Okay class, Incase u haven't noticed we have a new student today. And his name is Leo" ur teacher said, "so now we will all be introducing ourselves". When pretty much everyone had introduced themselves it was ur turn, "I'm Zoe and I'm 14" u said, then smiled at Leo. He smiled back at u. "Okay Zoe, u have to partner with Leo in this project that we are working on, cause u too are the only ones who don't have a partner" ur teacher said through out the classroom. All of a sudden u felt this spark of joy and excitement in ur stomach, it was a long time ago u have felt genuine emotion. But today u felt joy thrilling through ur body as soon as u heard ur teacher say these exact words, "U have to partner with Leo.". U felt Leo looking at u so u turned his head and he was smiling, u smiled back. "Oh well u guys can start ur projects and I will give Leo and Zoe a instruction" everyone started to gather in their groups and find their computers and their papers. Ur teacher then walked over to u and Leo and started to explain what the project was about, it was about WW2. U knew a lot about  the war because u were very fascinated about the concentration camps that Adolf hitler had planted around in germany. Ur teacher gave u two a paper with different categories about WW2, and u asked Leo if he wanted to pick the concentration camps and surprisingly he said "yeah, sure". U pulled out the computer and started writing.

Leo and ZoeWhere stories live. Discover now