A Walk Down The Shore

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It was a sunny day, , Tubbo was at college and Ranboo went to the shop, , Ranboo decided to take the long walk home so that he could walk by the beach. The sun was blazing hot in a bright yellow burst of warm colours that make you feel like falling asleep under it's very command, , Ranboo looked at the glistening water as his reflection looked back at him, , he decided to take his shoes and socks off. The hard rocks of the beach hurt his feet like burning metal across his skin, , but he didn't care, , he was already under the day's control. Ranboo sat down on the hard rocks setting his thin shopping bag and his shoes beside him, , he dipped his feet into the water, , it felt amazing. The sea's steady current and delicate warmth made Ranboo fall in love at the very sight of it. The sea was as still as a statue and Ranboo slowly, , carefully, , closed his eyes, the hazy sun had taken control and made him sleepy, , he dozed off, laying on the hard rocks. Suddenly, he felt a gentle and quite smooth hand on his ankle, , it seemed to come from under the water.

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