A Fishy Feeling

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' ' so you see, , me and Phil were talking a walk down the shore because we were bored. The sun made us kind of sleepy but despite that me and Phil decided to go for a swim in the sea. Phil then fell asleep and started sinking!! So obviously I dived under the water to help him and when I touched him, , I fell asleep instantly. Now both me and Phil were sinking deeper and deeper until all of a sudden, , I woke up and I could breath. I looked at my legs because I couldn't feel them, , and there, , were not my legs but instead a tail, , the same for the old friend laid next to me.' ' told Wilbur in a slightly more monotoned voice than usual, , he was acting as if he was reciting lines for a play, , he even clapped for himself and patted his own back.
' ' What?! Is Phil okay?! And why do I still have legs but you don't, , answer my questions, , all of them!' ' Replied Ranboo in a quick urge to know the answer
' ' Okay Okay, , calm down. Philza is perfectly fine, , and you still have legs because you haven't got a necklace of the sea like me and Phil, , though we do have 3 left so I suppose we could spare one. If you ever want your legs back, , take the necklace off and go to the surface and sit on the beach within 5 minutes or you drown obviously.' ' Answered Wilbur sternly ' ' now no more questions!' '
Phil came though the door (which was really just a massive shell that they attached hinges from a dumped, , old, , toilet onto.) He seemed to be holding a necklace of some sort, , it looked identical to the ones Wilbur and Phil were wearing, , he then slid it carefully and gracefully over Ranboo's head making sure not a single hair was out of place afterwards.
Seconds later Ranboo's legs were covered by a beautiful, , shimmering, , scaley, , split coloured Green and Red mermaid tail.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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