Jewel of life

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Previously on son of arceus

Steven: Can one of you just explain how to summon a weapon?

Pearl: With hard work and dedication, you can master the magical properties of your gem

Amethyst: Whenever I need to summon my weapon, it just happens.

Garnet: you could link your mind with the energy of all existing matter.

Steven: my powers are based off what I'm feeling

[matriarch vs arceus]

Arceus: you shall be brought to justice!

Steven: your ring! It looks just like mine!

Arceus: because it is. I am arceus, and I, am your father

We are now in the present as Steven is in disbelief from what he had discovered as Steven was with arceus in the outskirts of the temple outside the city

Steven: I can't believe it! Your my dad?? How is this even possible?! This has to be some crazy dream!

Arceus: I understand your doubt, but I assure you, this is all real

Steven just sits in amazement and looks to the ring around his gem

Steven: I've always wondered what the ring was for. I got my gem from my mom...but I never knew where the ring came from. None of the gems did

Arceus: it would appear the moment of birth, a great power gave you the ring marking as an inheritance of my power

Steven looks in disbelief

Steven: woah...but wait, how did you even...

That's when he notices a large red object in the sky heading toward the temple

Steven: look!

They both take notice and head to the temple where pearl was looking through a telescope

Garnet: This is bad.

Pearl: Look at the size of it, I had no idea these things were so big!

Amethyst: Garnet! Pearl!

They look so see amethyst with a mouthful of fry bits and arceus carrying Steven on his back

Pearl: *visibly annoyed* We saw. Some of us are trying to protect humanity

Steven: lemme see

He looks through the telescope to see an eyeball like orb looking right back at him

He looks through the telescope to see an eyeball like orb looking right back at him

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Steven: (gasp) It's a giant eyeball! Awesome!

Pearl: NOT awesome! It's a Red Eye!

Steven: A red eye?! It's going to infect us all!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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