Day Nine

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The soft buzzing of my phone gently woke me up from my sleep. Still with eyes closed, I retrieved the device somewhere around me and turned it off. It's too early to head off to Sandra's. I was about to turn on my side when I felt a weight across my stomach. I weakly opened my eyes and found out that I was in an unfamiliar room.

Panic kicked in me, thinking that someone had kidnapped me. But then I remembered. My princess got sick yesterday.

Gently, I turned my head to look at her. She was snuggled by my side with her glossy, raven hair wild on the pillow we shared. My heart started racing as usual.

She's so beautiful.

Even with a little bit of drool, she still managed to look beautiful. Then, I realized something else.

We just had our first night together.

That gave a wide smile to my face. I slept with Sandra. I wonder what she would say if I pointed this out?

I felt her stir and then mumble something. It sounded like a death threat directed at me, but I just shrugged it off. At least she dreams of me.

I took that chance to level our faces so that I can stare at her closer.

You're so beautiful. Please don't wake up yet. I want to savor this moment.

It seems that my prayer wasn't heard when a couple of minutes later, an eye peeked open. I immediately put a smile on my face.

"Good morning Sunshine," I whispered.

"Morning," she mumbled.

"Waking up and seeing your face the first thing in the morning feels great." I sincerely said, seeing her try to hide a smile forming.

Don't try to hide your smile. It's the loveliest I've ever seen.

Her cheeks got a tinge of red.

"Too early for your sweet talking," then she rolled away from me and stretched. I immediately missed our contact.

"Come here babe. I want to hold you more," but instead of waiting for her to get closer, I wrapped my arm around her myself.

"Waking up next to you feels so good. Too good," I whispered. But then, after a while I unwillingly distanced myself. If I get used to this, our separation would be that much more painful on my side.

I sighed.

Just thinking about not being with her already brings a lot of pain in my chest. What was I thinking? Two weeks? Two weeks isn't enough. But sadly, it's all that I'm ever going to get. So I'm gonna make it count.

"Are you okay?" Her voice brought me out of my musing.

I smiled at her tenderly. "I should be the one asking you that," I reached out and felt her forehead. Her fever had gone down through the night.

"Am I still sick?" she asked, eyes hopeful and it almost made me swoon at how it looked absolutely adorable.

"Your fever went down. But you should still stay home. Just to make sure you're really okay," I said, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Will love bring the fever down?

She nodded and snuggled closer to me. That surprised me. She's been so touchy lately.

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