HoneyZilla: Protective Daddy

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For 13 years, Fred gave his best to take care of his eldest and only daughter, Susan.

Fred never thought the day would come to see his baby girl have an affection for a certain boy. People called it a crush, or for Susan's case, a puppy love.

Sure, Fred had one of days when he was Susan's age, but Susan was his daughter. He thinks guys these days are snobbish, immature, self-centered, and all those negative stuff girls think about boys.

One day, when the Lee family were staying home for the weekend...

Ding! Dong!

13-year-old Susan Lee ran from her room and to the front door. "I'll get it, Heathcliff!" She shouted at the butler who was a few steps far from the door. "As you wish, Mistress Susan."

Once Susan was at the front door, she fixed her blonde hair and her clothes, which was her mother's best pick for the day.

She opened the door, revealing Hayato Hamada, son of Hiro and Leiko (Go Go) Hamada and Susan's long time crush. Susan had a crush on Hayato ever since their play date when they were four... Fred was regretting he ever let Susan meet Hayato on that day.

Speaking of Fred, he and his wife, Aiko, aka Honey Lemon, were at the living room, checking out the news for any crimes.

Sure, they got a family, but the Big Hero 6 didn't retire after that. They want to keep San Fransokyo safe and they have kids who can continue their superhero life when the time comes.

"Mommy! Daddy! Hayato's here!" The couple looked behind the couch and smiled, but Fred's smile was more of a forced than a natural. Susan and Hayato sat at the couch on the left near the window as Fred turned the T.V off.

"Um, dear, can you leave us for a moment?" Fred asked, looking at his daughter. Susan gave her father a questoning look. "Why daddy?"

Susan trust Fred because he was her daddy... But sometimes, Fred can get a little crazy... Er than usual. "Uh... Go with mommy to bake cookies." Honey raised an eyebrow at her husband. "Seriously, Freddie?" She asked, standing up with her fists on her hips. Fred nodded, giving her a serious look.

Honey got the message and gestured Susan to come with her. "Come on, baby. We'll make cookies for daddy and Hayato." And with that, they disappeared into the kitchen, leaving the two men in the living room.

"Hayato." Hayato jumped, poising himself with his arms firmly on his lap. "Y-yes sir?" He stuttered, sweat was already forming on his forehead.

Hayato wasn't usually the jumpy one, but hey, even Fred can make anyone sweat now that he's matured... Sorta.

Fred looked at the chandelier on the ceiling. "Do you like my Susan?" He asked, his gaze turning to the 12-year-old boy. "Y-yes sir."

Meanwhile, Honey was already putting the sliced cookies on the tray as her daughter opened the heated oven. "It's ready mommy!"

Honey smile as she placed the tray carefully in the oven. She closed it and took off her pink gloves. "Well, we'll wait for the cookies to get brown and delicious in 20 minutes." Honey set the timer to a 20 and untied her daughter's long hair and apron.

"Mommy, why is daddy talking to Hayato? I thought he liked Hayato." Susan pouted, crossing her arms like Honey used to when she's mad at Fred for getting too protective.

"Well, daddy's just... Protective." The mother smiled, wiping the flour off her sleeve. "But daddy never acted like that with John Kim and Bruce." Susan whined.

Honey gave her daughter a soft smile. "You're special to daddy. You're his only daughter." She combed Susan's hair with her fingers.

A few minutes later...

Back to Fred, he was holding himself back from sending Hayato to an early peek to Hell. "S-sir, Susan i-is a great girl... I l-like her, but I-I think we're too young to b-be dating." Hayato admitted, his sweat already dropping from his forehead and neck.

Fred smiled. "Good." Was all he said, relaxing his back against the couch. "B-but, I l-love her, sir. I-I hope you can give me a c-chance."


"The cookies are ready!" Honey announced, showing the boys the cookies, but she almost dropped them.

Well, who wouldn't almost drop their things when they see an angry Fred chasing a poor innocent boy around the living room?

Still gave my best on this one XD I love how I vision HoneyZilla in the future! Because, they both remind me of my parents. I imagine Honey will be the sorta strict but sweet, hardworking mom and Fred the comic geek dad. Yep, just like my parents...

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