Chapter 8

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Tia's POV

I flutter my eyes open, feeling strong arms around my body. I turn over facing Caelum, admiring his gorgeous features.

"I wish we could wake up to this forever." My wolf speaks. Not going to lie, it saddens me thinking about the fact that he has a mate somewhere out there. But I can't keep him from that.

"Me too Sky." I say to my wolf.

He pulls me closer nuzzling his face into my neck. He places a soft kiss on my collarbone. "Good morning beautiful." I giggle at his raspy morning voice.

"Good morning handsome." I stroke his blonde curls.

He squeezes me. "I like when you call me that." He grins. "Oh yeah?" I blush.

"Yup." He says popping the 'p.

All of a sudden the door bursts open. A worried Aubrey hurries in. "Caelum! Tia isn't in her room! I can't find her!"

Caelum chuckles. She takes a look at me, realizing what's going on, and looks relieved. "Oh." She backs away slowing. Shutting the down behind her.

As soon as the door shuts Caelum and I start laughing out of control. "My mother is definitely something." He laughs.

"She's amazing" I giggle.

He sits up, bringing me with him, never letting me go. "How about some breakfast?" He offers.

"That's sounds great." I peck his nose. He growls.

His green eyes are now black. "Give me a real kiss baby." His voice is more deep, more raspy. I can tell this is his wolf speaking to me. I lean in, and before I reach him I'm engulfed by his lips.

Our tongues dance in a tango of passion. Even if he isn't my mate, he's the one for me.

"I think we love him." Sky states.

"I think so too." I tell my wolf.

I'm pulled away from my wolf's and my own thoughts as we both pull away.

Caelum's eyes turn back, and he looks a little embarrassed. "I-I sorry about my wolf."

"Don't be. He's cute." I smile.

He smiles back at me. "Now let's get that breakfast I promised." He picks me up, heading to the door.

"You know I can walk right?" I question his habit of carrying me.

"Yeah, I just like having you in my arms." I blush at his words. "You know, you're cute when you blush."

I hide my face in his shoulder. "Stoppp" I can't take this, my checks are going to fall off if I smile any harder.

"Never, gorgeous." He keeps going. He lifts my head and looks me in the eyes. "Don't hide from me." He says before pecking my lips.

When we reach the kitchen, he sets me on the counter, as he did last night.

I can tell he realizes something as he gives a serious look. "After we eat I'm taking you to Darren." He says. Not in a suggesting way at all.

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