Chapter 9

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Caelum's POV

I hear Darren screaming and I'm fighting the urge to kick the door down.

I hear a thud. All of a sudden I smell the most beautiful scent in existence. It just hit my nose and I'm already addicted. Nate, my wolf is bouncing up and down. "My mate!"

I can tell it's coming from Darren's office, so I burst into the room. My attention automatic falls on unconscious Tia, my mate.


I bend down checking her pulse. She's okay. Thank the moon goddess.

I look over to Darren with nothing but anger. I stride towards him. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER?"  I grab him by his throat, pushing him up against the wall. I see a half naked girl run out.

He smirks "Nothing. I just accepted her rejection the little bitch passed out." My wolf immediately takes control, I punch him right in the nose, breaking it.

I don't stop there. I can't help but repeatedly punch him. Over and over.

"Do you" punch "fucking know" punch " how much" punch "pain you caused her?"

He finally gets one punch in. "I AM YOUR ALPHA YOU RESPECT ME." He yells. This doesn't threaten me one bit. No one, ever hurts my mate.

He shifts, which is a big mistake. He just lost his mate, his wolf is weak. I waste no time shifting as well.

Now, my wolf is in one hundred percent control. And if I'm protective, no one is ready for Nate. He might kill him, I quite frankly do not care. He's done enough.

Nate jumps on top of the black wolf clawing at his face.

Tired of wasting time, Nate bites his neck, going for his jugular, killing him.

I just killed my alpha. Wait that means I'm alpha.

What if I can't do it? What if I let down my pack? What if  I let down my mate?

Wait I just killed my so called best friend. He didn't deserve to be called that.  I think to myself, feeling no remorse.

"Yes I killed him and I'll do it to anyone who even thinks about hurting mate."  My wolf states.

I shift back scooping Tia into my arms bridal-style.

Not caring that I'm naked, I rush her into the room I have here for when I stay. Everyone in the halls looks at me shocked. Not because I'm naked, which is pretty normal for werewolves,  but because they know I'm now their alpha.

When a wolf's rank changes so does their scent.  And the only way for me to become alpha is Darren dying. They all know I killed him.

When I get to my room I set her on the bed and quick get clothes on.

I mindlink Avery, our best pack doctor to come over and check on my mate.

She arrives with in five minutes.

I watch closely as she checks her vitals. Until she approaches me. "The Luna is fine. Do you mind me asking what happened?"

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