I miss you more and more each day.

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A/N: ok so I decided to write this because why not. I might either make this into a one shot or a full story please comment what you think. Also please give me some ideas on what to do because right now I'm leaning towards making it a story so give me ideas. Sorry if the writing is a bit shit it's my first time. You could probably already tell it's stranger things mileven, despite me shipping other ships mileven is just my comfort one. :) but hope you enjoy this! <3

Main POV:

"Hi el it's mike, I'm still here. I will still call every night. Just please give me a sign please if your out there anything I don't care what it is I won't

even reply I just want to know your safe"Mike spoke gently into his super-com meanwhile tears escaped his eyes and slithered down his cheeks.

This was just mike's night routine that he did everyday, he would go down to this basement, sit in the fort he made for el  a while ago and call her.

He normally waited roughly around an hour in the den for a reply and then go to bed and wait anxiously to call her again the next day. It was a

consistent routine which was performed on a daily basis, mike did not care that he lost time to watch movies or video games, all he cared about was

el. Some days normally at least once a week sometimes more mike looked for el around Hawkins at night, he didn't mind that it was cold and dark

if he found a clue or a slightest theory that el could be somewhere it was way worth it. When she left it was like she took her heartwith him, leaving

him with not a care for anything else.

Mike waited patiently and nervously for a reply, the best reply he got was a static frequency and a dustin,Will or lucas asking why he was still on

chanel. And apparently today was one of those days. Mike once again delicately sat in the fort trying not to ruin anything, he immediately called el

and he waited a short while until he heard someone. "Mike?" He quickly dashed his super-com up to his ear. "el is that you?El?"

Mike waited for a bit with no answer until he heard a annoyingly familiar voice. "Uh dude no it's me Lucas, what are you doing on this Chanel

again, I have caught you on here like 2o million times?" Lucas questioned. Mike's heart quickly sank and shattered into pieces realising the one

who he had waited for wasn't there. This feeling felt like a sharp  stab causing him to sniffle and cry weakly. He picked up the super-com and

spoke into it miserably "oh I don't know how I'm on here the signal might of got jumbled." He heard his voice start to tremble and he quickly spoke

"over and out" before he would burst into tears. Mike glumly walked up the stairs to this room and flopped to his bed. He looked over to his

Night stand and saw the t-Rex he had shown the el the day after the night he found her.  Tracing back to these memories caused his lips to curl

upwards creating a small smile that also made mike's heart to ache even more. He numbly closed his eyes, wishing and fantasising the moment he

would see el again, he didn't know when it would be, even if he had to wait years he would he would wait longer than a lifetime to see those

majestic hazel eyes gleaming at him. He rolled over on his side not able to get to sleep so he ran down to his basement (where he was before) and

I miss you more and more each day {mileven stranger things}Where stories live. Discover now